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Smithing Project

Our guild smith's are looking for components for dyes to increase their skill in making plate armor. Your help in seeking out these items would be greatly appreciated!

Tailored Items

Leather Padding : used for fine steel plate and cultural smithing, trivial at 31; silk thread, low quality cat/bear/wolf skin (any of the 3 work) note: lion and other exotic pelts will not work.

Pelt conversion: used to convert HQ pelts/skins to MQ pelts/skins, MQ pelts/skins to LQ pelts/skins (important if you're making leather backing), and LQ pelts/skins to ruined pelts; Quality pelt, skinning knife (from a smith), combined in a sewing kit. Next lower in quality pelt is returned, and the knife is also returned to you. This works with bear, cat and wolf (i.e. our "standard" tailoring pelts) only. It does NOT work to downgrade lion or "named" pelts such as mist wolf, grizzly bear, puma, etc. (trivial unknown, but extremely low)

Silk Thread: (trivial 12-15) 2 spiderling silks, combined in a sewing kit (small or large)

Tempers needed for Advanced Smithing

These items are made by brewers and must be combined in a brew barrel. Each temper is so far used only by one race for use in their cultural smithing, and is used in place of water in the forging process.

Royal Temper (Human - Qeynos):
Scale Temper (Iksar):
Sea Temper (Human - Freeport):
Moonlight Temper (High Elves - Gfay):
Frost Temper (Barbarian - Everfrost Peaks/Permafrost):
Blood Temper (Ogre - Ogguk):

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Dye Components