Previously undocumented passwords found by: Tony Hedstrom (no ads on this site) Sea Quest DSV (Genesis) PASSWORDS.... MMSVCCSS = Mining missions are always successful, even if you die. N0MMC0L = Can move thru rocks, walls, etc in mining missions. ST0PMMTMR = Stops timer in mining missions that use a timer. N0SQC0L = Can move thru rocks, buildings, etc (overhead view only). N0SH00TN = Enemies don't shoot at you (overhead view only). N0SHPS = Most enemy ships are gone (overhead view only). N0HVRT = Your ship health never goes below 95% (overhead view only). FVNDS = Start with $200,000. SH0WMM = Shows where mining missions are on navigation screen. SVPRMN = Never die from enemy fire (mining missions only). LNY9W0DXW1HH = Start with 99 of everything, and $101,000. LNF5V22X490M = Start with 99 of everything, and $200,000. All the passwords below let you play different individual mining missions. You'll have infinite lives and an infinite supply of all the different ships. PLN TNKR MM70 MM71 MM72 MM73 MM74 MM80 MM81 MM82 MM83 MM84 MM85 MM86 MM87 MM88 MM89 MM90 MM91 MM92 MM93