Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t.hed@excite.com SUPER MARIO BROS. 3 YEUXKGAA start the game as a plant/cloud. With this code, you can go past as many levels as you want on the map screen. ONKXGLIE start and stay as Invincible Mario. But, you can't go down some tubes. AEUXKGAE start the game as ??? Then, if you get hit, you turn into Tanooki. While you are Tanooki, the whistle is blowing all of the time, so you can start flying immediately! AXUXKGAA similar to above UUKXGLIE start and stay as Little Mario (invincible) AANZKLLE no turbo running EANZKLLA 2 Marios when you press "B"