Original Sega Genesis Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Shining Force 2 NOTE: It's best not to use both codes at the same time. 98HT-F978 Easily access the secret configuration cheat. As soon as you see the SEGA logo (when you first start the game), press: UP, DOWN (before the SEGA logo fades away). You'll hear a musical "fanfare" it you did it right. Then, press and hold the START button while you use the C button and directional pad to select your saved game. If you choose to start a new game, you'll get to rename every character in the game. Just remember to hold down the START button until you see the configuration menu. Once there, you can select: Special Turbo, Control Opponent, Auto Battle, and Game Completed. See note below on where to get more details on what these do. 98HT-F99W Easily access secret battle cheats. As soon as you see the SEGA logo (when you first start the game), press: UP, UP (before the SEGA logo fades away). You'll hear some sinister music if you did it right. Then, press and hold the START button while you use the C button and directional pad to select your saved game. If you choose to start a new game, you will get to rename every character in the game. Just remember to hold down the START button until the game starts. Here are some of the things this cheat can do: Anytime you're in a town or on the map (not in battle), press and hold B to walk through or over anything. During a battle, when you're close enough to attack an enemy, choose the attack option. When the enemy is highlighted, hold down START and press C. A small box will appear in the upper right hand corner. You can change the number in this box by pressing LEFT or RIGHT. Here's a very quick description of what the different numbers do: 00 = Attack any character (128 = Boss). 01 = Cast any spell on any character. 02 = Use any item on any character. 03 = Not sure (seems to give you exp without attacking). 04 = Makes character explode (damages anyone nearby). 05 = Gives a funny message. 06 = Prism Laser. Select the number you want and press C. You may have to pick other numbers as well (these are explained in the guide listed below). See note below on where to get more details. And don't forget that holding down B anywhere outside of battle will allow you to walk through mountains, lakes, buildings, etc. Very fun to play around with. NOTE: I read a FAQ about these controller cheats, and it said you had to press up to 14 buttons before the SEGA logo faded away to activate them. I tried about 20 times to do it, and I failed every single time. That's when I decided to make Game Genie codes to make it easier. Now all you have to do is press UP DOWN, or UP UP to activate them. MUCH easier. For more detailed info on what these cheats do, go here: http://sf2.shiningforcecentral.com/pages/secrets_codes.html Also, some of the SF2 FAQs at GameFAQs.com have detailed descriptions of what the cheats do. PAR Code....... FFB0A9:FF Enables secret battle cheats (see above for details). Lets you use the battle cheats at anytime during the game without having to activate it at the SEGA logo.