Original Nintendo Wii Gecko codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) New Super Mario Bros (USA/SMNE01) Has only been tested on Rev 2 / ver 1.02, but may work on others. Always become Ice Mario when you get a suit/form upgrade, and you'll be invincible (can change the 0006 for whichever suit/form you want). 0001 = Super Mario, 0002 = Fire Mario, 0003 = Mini Mario, 0004 = Propeller Mario, 0005 = Penguin Mario. 04145AD0 3BE00006 Timer countdown speed (higher number = slower countdown, A4 = normal speed, E4 = much slower, FE = extremely slow). 040E39C8 3403FF?? Play as Luigi (can change the 0001 to play as whoever you want). Must use when starting the game from a save file. 0002 = Blue Toad, 0003 = Yellow Toad. 049188F4 38E00001 P Switch time amount multiplier (how long the P Switch lasts). Normal value is 0A. 04A1B0F4 1CA000?? How many lives you get from 100 coins. 040E203C 388000?? Super Guide is always available. 040CE2E8 38600008 Coins are worth ?? (replace ?? with whatever value you want). 04060438 380300??