Original Sega Genesis/MD Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) To save time and space, I've put lots of codes I made for several different games into one file. Here's a list of Genesis/MD games included in this file... -A Bug's Life (unlicensed) -Animaniacs -Animaniacs (E) -Bass Masters Classic -Beavis and Butthead (E) -Faery Tale Adventure -Junction -Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators -Pac Attack -Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure -The Smurfs (E) -The Smurfs 2: Smurfs Travel the World (E) ==================================================================== Game Genie Codes: ==================================================================== -A Bug's Life (unlicensed) AAAT-AGBL Allows the game to run on Gens emulator. NOTE: These are updated "jump" codes. The original codes had problems. 2CYA-CADL Jump higher when standing still. WCYA-CADL Jump much higher when standing still 2CZA-CEFR Jump higher when walking. WCZA-CEFR Jump much higher when walking. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Animaniacs (U) ALZT-CABA + 90ZT-D92J + YCZT-DE3C + NCZT-C5AL Walk faster. ALZT-CABA + 90ZT-D92J Walk much faster. 93WA-D99J + AKWA-CAGC Push crates twice as fast. 93WT-D93G + AKWT-CAC6 Pull crates twice as fast. CWRA-CAA8 + RWRA-D7BN Wacko does his hammer attack much faster when on the ground. EWWA-CAH2 Dot does her kiss attack much faster when on the ground. AWTT-CA5W Walk off ledges without falling ("Walk on Air"). Only works when Dot is in the lead. You will drop down as soon as you stop moving. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Animaniacs (E) NOTE: These codes are for the European/PAL Mega Drive version. CTBT-AA66 Master Code (probably not needed on real hardware). Use only if you get a blank/red screen. 1LKT-D97W High jump. Only works on the character with the brown pants (Yakko). There was one area in the 3rd scene where I got stuck using this code, so be careful. AJNA-AA9A Infinite lives. AK3A-CA5J Infinite time. AL3T-CA26 Invincibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bass Masters Classic AD7V-LWH0 Start a new game with $900. If you're using an emulator, you must turn the code on, then reset the game. AD7V-MBH0 Start a new game with $9000. If you're using an emulator, you must turn the code on, then reset the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Beavis and Butthead (E) ABZT-CA2L + ABZT-CA7W Walk thru walls. You can walk right past the barrier and guard at the GWAR concert. You'll need to turn the code off when entering doors that require you to press Up. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Faery Tale Adventure A37A-CA3N Walk thru walls. Can also walk across water and forests without slowing down. Note that when you enter a door, you will disappear for a second, but keep walking forward and you will enter the building. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Junction HRCT-BJ3E Unlock stages 51 to 60 in the Configuration menu. CWCT-AAB8 Can choose up to 20 stock in the Configuration menu. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators *** NEW CODES *** AB9A-2A9J Invincibility. Can walk thru enemies and enemy fire. Note that you can't pickup "M" icons with code turned on. I think you need the "M's" to finish levels. HF2T-3EW8 Invincibility, infinite lives, and infinite time (3 in 1). If you are using an emulator, you must turn on the code, then reset the game. Old Codes.... FBYT-2AFW High jump. DBYT-2AFW Super high jump. WW9A-2VX6 Pause the game and press A, then unpause and you'll get an extra life. PAR code: FF0074:FF Invincibility and infinite lives. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Pac Attack AJ4A-AA5N + 9TNT-BWFE Pieces don't fall automatically (you have to press Down). TBAA-AKNJ Pieces fall much slower in Normal Mode (Easy setting only). AJJT-AA7Y Once you get the fairy, she'll keep coming back after every 2 pieces. JAKA-BAYA The fairy meter fills up much faster. Doesn't apply to the Easy setting. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure *** NEW CODES *** ALLV-CA32 + ALHV-CA6J Run much faster. Makes you run as fast as the "Super Speed" controller cheat. AAXV-EA52 Don't fall into quicksand. Quicksand is the round holes that appear and disappear at the very beginning of the game. AJ2B-CA4T Don't fall when you walk off ledges ("walk on air"). Press jump to drop down. Very useful when you're up in trees, or on levels like Copan Temple where you have to jump on the little ledges with fire. AA3V-CA5G + AJ2B-CA4T Don't fall into tar pits. Tar pits are the square black bubbling things on levels like Copan Temple. Old Codes... 835V-D97C Jump much higher when standing still. ABBB-HP2L Press B at the title screen for level select. After you press B, press Up or Down to select level, then press Start. 8FAV-GJHE Press C at the title screen to play the 2600 version of Pitfall. The codes below are for the 2600 version... R02B-G6W8 Walk thru walls (2600 version). AWSV-GA74 Infinite time (2600 version). AWSV-GA4R Infinite lives (2600 version). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -The Smurfs (E) *** NEW CODES *** C2NA-TA66 + C2NT-TA8Y Infinite energy (hearts) in Descent (Luge) level. The first code is for rocks and other obstacles, and the second code is for when you fall in the water. AW8T-TA8G Freezes the log on Falaise / Cliff level, and gets rid of the lava in Volcano levels. May cause some side effects on other levels, so probably best to only turn it on when needed. Also, should turn the code on before the start of the lava levels. Update: Also freezes Gargamel (final boss) in place. Do not have the code activated before the level loads, but activate it as soon as it has loaded. Hit him with an acorn once, turn off the code, and he'll fall off the roof. RZJA-T6TN The bubble will not burst in the Mur / Gargamel's Manor House level. You're invincible while in the bubble (although some butterflies may hurt you). Do not go past the very top of the screen or you may get stuck. Also, make sure you touch the "Exit" sign at the end of the level to exit). Old Codes... 9T4A-VGST + BE4A-TWHW Start each level with much more time. AMHA-TA96 Infinite time. Need to turn code off at the end of each level to continue. AT2A-TA7N Invincibility ATTA-TA7N Infinite Energy (Hearts). Doesn't work on Descent level (luge). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -The Smurfs Travel the World (E) GMJT-AABG High moon jump with slow descent. DXJT-AABG Super high moon jump with slow descent.