Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com Final Fantasy NYXAZITE Get lots more gold when you battle Imps ($255 gold for each Imp you defeat instead of only $6 gold). One place you can find Imps is around Coneria Town (where you start the game). GAXALIAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle Imps ($3060 gold for each Imp you defeat instead of only $6 gold). One place you can find Imps is around Coneria Town (where you start the game). NYKEZITE Get lots more gold when you battle Wolves ($255 gold for each Wolf you defeat instead of only $6 gold). GAKELIAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle Wolves ($3060 gold for each Wolf you defeat instead of only $6 gold). NYNAZILK Get lots more gold when you battle WereWolves ($255 gold for each WereWolf you defeat instead of only $67 gold). GANALIAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle WereWolves ($3060 gold for each WereWolf you defeat instead of only $67 gold). NNOETVZE Get lots more gold when you battle Odd Eyes ($255 gold for each Odd Eye you defeat instead of only $10 gold). GEOEYTAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle Odd Eyes ($3060 gold for each Odd Eye you defeat instead of only $10 gold). NYOAZVTO Get lots more gold when you battle Sahags ($255 gold for each Sahag you defeat instead of only $30 gold). GAOALTAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle Sahags ($3060 gold for each Sahag you defeat instead of only $30 gold). NYNATTZK Get lots more gold when you battle Sharks ($255 gold for each Shark you defeat instead of only $66 gold). GANAYTAE Get MEGA amounts of gold when you battle Sharks ($3060 gold for each Shark you defeat instead of only $66 gold).