Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com Final Fantasy LEVEGPZA Converts the level 1 White Magic HARM spell into an ultra strong Black Magic spell (similar to the level 6 STUN spell, except this code works on all enemies instead of just one). This code will poison and paralyze most enemies! This code allows White Magic users to cast a VERY strong Black Magic spell when they use the level 1 HARM spell! PEVEGPZA Converts the level 1 White Magic HARM spell into the level 3 Black Magic FIR2 spell!! This code allows White Magic users to cast a Black Magic spell (FIR2) when they use the HARM spell! PEVEGPZA + ZUVEPPGP Converts the level 1 White Magic HARM spell into the level 5 Black Magic FIR3 spell!! This code allows White Magic users to cast a Black Magic spell (FIR3) when they use the HARM spell! PEVEGPZA + KEVEPPGP Converts the level 1 White Magic HARM spell into an ultra strong FIR spell (MUCH stronger than FIR3!). This code allows White Magic users to cast a very strong Black Magic spell when they use the HARM spell! AEVEZPAE + LEVEGPZA + PEVEPPGP Converts the level 1 White Magic HARM spell into an ultra strong Black Magic spell (similar to the level 6 RUB spell, except this code works on all enemies instead of just one). This code will terminate most enemies! This code allows White Magic users to cast a very powerful Black Magic spell when they use the level 1 HARM spell! IEVAGPYE Converts the level 1 White Magic CURE spell into the level 2 Black Magic TMPR spell. This allows White Magic users to cast a Black Magic spell when they use the level 1 CURE spell. NOTE: When you use this code, it will say "HP up", but it is actually increasing the strength of your weapon. IEVAGPYE + AEVALPAO Same as the above code except it will work on all members of your party instead of just one. AENAPOAA + GENAGOPE Converts the level 1 White Magic FOG spell into the level 4 Black Magic FAST spell. This allows White Magic users to cast a Black Magic spell when they use the level 1 FOG spell. NOTE: When you use this code, it will say "Armour up", but it is actually increasing your number of hits per attack.