Original SNES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com Final Fantasy 5 (SNES) NOTES: These codes can be used with either a new game, or a saved game. You can use all of these codes at the same time if you want. xx40-5005 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that weapon from the Weapon Shop in the village of Tule (instead of the BroadSwd). xx40-5065 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that weapon from the Weapon Shop in the village of Tule (instead of the Rod). xx40-50A5 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that weapon from the Weapon Shop in the village of Tule (instead of the Staff). xx40-59D5 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that weapon from the Weapon Shop in the village of Tule (instead of an empty slot). ---------------------------------------------------- xx40-5165 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that armor from the Armor Shop in the village of Tule (instead of Leather Shield). xx40-51A5 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that armor from the Armor Shop in the village of Tule (instead of Leather Helmet). xx40-55D5 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that armor from the Armor Shop in the village of Tule (instead of Leather Armor). xx40-5505 Replace xx with a two digit code from the list below and it will allow you to buy that armor from the Armor Shop in the village of Tule (instead of an empty slot). ---------------------------------------------------- Below is the list of all of the weapons and armor in the game. Pick whatever you want and use the 2 digit code on the left in place of the "xx" in the codes above. Game Genie Name Knives/Daggers D4: knife D7: dagger D0: mithril D9: Kunai=20 D1: Magemash=20 D5: Guardian D6: Kodachi DB: Orialcon=20 DC: Airknife D8: Assassin Dagger DA: Sasuke's Katana (does 1000+ damage) 17: Chicken Knife 18: Maneater 1A: Thief Dagger 12: Dancing Knife Swords D2: broadsword D3: longsword DE: mithril FD: Coral FF: Ancient F4: Greatsword F7: Slumber F0: Defender F9: Excalibur F1: Ragnarok (most powerful weapon in the game?) 9A: Excalipur (that's not a typo) 13: Enhancer Spears F5: javelin F6: spear FB: mithril FC: trident F8: Wind Spear FA: partisan F2: heavy spear F3: Twinlance FE: Holy Lance 4D: Hiryuu Spear Axes/Hammers 4F: battleaxe 44: mithril 47: Ogre 40: warhammer 49: Poison 41: Earth 45: Rune Axe 46: Thor 1B: Doomcut 1C: Giant's Axe Ninja Blades 4B: Ashura 4C: Airblade 48: Kotetsu 4A: Bizen Bat 42: Kiku 43: Murasame 4E: Masamune 7D: Nimbus 1F: Braveblade Rods 7F: rod 74: Firerod 77: Icerod 70: Thunder 79: Poison 71: Lillith 75: Wizard Rod 1D: Wonder Staves 76: staff 7B: mithril 7C: Power 78: Cure 7A: Light 72: Sage 73: Judgement Bows 7E: Flame 0D: Frost 0F: Thunder 04: Darkness 07: Killer 00: Elfin 09: Yoichi's Bow 01: Artemis 19: Silver 11: Gust 15: Mafuuji 16: Avis Harps 05: silver 06: Dream 0B: Lamia 0C: Apollon's Harp Whips 08: whip 0A: chain 02: Blitz 03: Firebute 0E: Dragon 92: Beastkill 93: flail 9E: morning star Bells 9D: Giyaman 9F: Earth Bell 94: Rune 97: Tinker Sabres 90: sabre 99: Bloodsword 91: Rune-edge 95: Flame 96: Icebrand Thrown Weapons 9B: Crescent Boomerang 9C: shuriken 98: Fuuma Shuriken 10: Rising Sun EA: flametech E2: watertech E3: bolttech EE: Efuefu (???) Shields 6F: leather 64: bronze 67: iron 60: mithril 69: gold 61: Aegis 65: diamond 66: Crystal A0: Flame Shield A2: Ice Shield A3: Bloodied Shield Helmets 6B: leather 6C: bronze 68: iron 6A: mithril 62: gold 63: diamond 6E: Crystal BD: feather BF: tricorn B4: Mitre B7: socklet B0: hairpin B9: Ribbon B1: headband B5: Green Beret B6: Darkhood BB: Lamian A7: Tiger Mask A8: Hypno Helmet AA: Thornlet Armor BC: leather B8: bronze BA: iron B2: mithril B3: gold BE: diamond CD: Crystal CF: copper C4: Kenpo Suit C7: silver C9: diamond plate 8E: Bonemail Shirts/Robes C1: Darksuit C5: cotton C6: silk CB: Earth CC: Bard C8: Lumina CA: Black C2: White C3: Mirage 8B: Strength 88: Angel Gown AE: Rainbow Robe Accesories CE: Protect 8D: Thief 8F: Giant 84: Elf Cape 87: Cursed 80: Glasses 89: Hermes 81: mithril 85: silver 86: diamond 8C: powerwrist 82: Flame Ring 83: Coral Ring AD: leather AF: Kaiser Knuckle A4: gauntlet A9: Conago Jar AC: Wall Ring 2D: Redshoes The Genji Equipment A1: Genji Shield A5: Genji Helmet A6: Genji Armor AB: Genji Ring Espers EB: Ramuh EC: Catoblepa E8: Golem