Original SNES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com Final Fantasy 2 NOTES: These codes only affect what Kain is equipped with when he re-joins your party for the last time. If you want codes for Kain at the start of the game, then please read one of my other FF2 files. These codes (below) must be entered anytime BEFORE Kain re-joins your party for the last time. If you wait until he has already re-joined your party to enter the codes, it will be too late. Kain re-joins your party more than once... these codes only affect him the LAST (and final) time he re-joins. By changing the first 2 digits of these codes, you can change what Kain is equipped with. There is a list of weapons and armor with the corresponding 2 digit code at the end of this file. The codes given below equip Kain with the best weapons and armor (at least I think they're the best). 7EC6-A483 Kain is equipped with the CRYSTAL KNIGHT SWORD when he re-joins your party for the last time (instead of the Gungnir Spear). 1AC6-A473 Kain is equipped with the CRYSTAL SHIELD when he re-joins your party for the last time (instead of the Samurai Shield). 51C6-AF53 Kain is equipped with the CRYSTAL HELMET when he re-joins your party for the last time (instead of the Samurai Helmet). BCC6-AF83 Kain is equipped with the ADAMANT ARMOR when he re-joins your party for the last time (instead of the Samurai Armor). C1C6-AFE3 Kain is equipped with the CRYSTAL GAUNTLET when he re-joins your party for the last time (instead of the Samurai Gauntlet). 17C6-A453 Money code (sort of). Using this code will give you 99 of whatever weapon Kain has when he re-joins your party. You can sell the extra weapons for extra gold. ---------------------------------------------------- Below is the list of all of the weapons, armor, items, etc in the game. Pick whatever you want and use the 2 digit code on the left in place of the first 2 digits in the codes above. --------------EQUIPMENT-------------------------- Game Genie Name Type DF FireClaw Claw D4 IceClaw Claw D7 Thunder Claw D0 Charm Claw D9 Poison Claw D1 CatClaw Claw D5 Rod Rod D6 IceRod Rod DB FlameRod Rod DC Thunder Rod D8 Change Rod DA Charm Rod D2 Stardust Rod D3 Lillith Rod DE Staff Staff FD Cure Staff FF Silver Staff F4 Power Staff F7 Lunar Staff (not in USA version) F0 Life Staff F9 Silence Staff F1 Shadow Dark Sword F5 Darkness Dark Sword F6 Black Dark Sword FB Legend Knight Sword FC Light Knight Sword F8 Excalibur Knight Sword FA Fire Sword F2 IceBrand Sword F3 Defense Sword FE Drain Sword 4D Ancient Sword 4F Slumber Sword 44 Medusa Sword 47 Spear Spear 40 Wind Spear 49 Flame Spear 41 Blizzard Spear 45 Dragoon Spear 46 White Spear 4B Drain Spear 4C Gungnir Spear 48 Short Ninja Sword 4A Middle Ninja Sword 42 Long Ninja Sword 43 Ninja Ninja Sword 4E Murasame Ninja Sword 7D Masamune Ninja Sword 7F Assassin Dagger 74 Mute Dagger 77 Whip Whip 70 Chain Whip 79 Blitz Whip 71 Flame Whip 75 Dragon Whip 76 HandAxe Axe 7B Dwarf Axe 7C Ogre Axe 78 Silver Dagger 7A Dancing Dagger 72 Silver Sword 73 Spoon Dagger 7E Crystal Knight Sword 0D Shuriken Star 0F Ninja Star 04 Boomrang Aerial 07 FullMoon Aerial 00 Dreamer Harp 09 Charm Harp 05 Poison Axe 06 RuneAxe Axe 0B Silver Hammer 0C Earth Hammer 08 Wooden Hammer 0A Avenger Sword 02 ShortBow Bow 03 CrossBow Bow 0E GreatBow Bow 9D Archer Bow 9F ElvenBow Bow 94 Samurai Bow 97 Artemis Bow 90 Iron Arrow 99 White Arrow 91 Fire Arrow 95 Ice Arrow 96 Lit Arrow 9B Darkness Arrow 9C Poison Arrow 98 Mute Arrow 9A Charm Arrow 92 Samurai Arrow 93 Medusa Arrow 9E Artemis Arrow 1D ???????? ????? 1F Iron Shield 14 Shadow Shield 17 Black Shield 10 Paladin Shield 19 Silver Shield 11 Fire Shield 15 Ice Shield 16 Diamond Shield 1B Aegis Shield 1C Samurai Shield 18 Dragoon Shield 1A Crystal Shield 12 Iron Helmet 13 Shadow Helmet 1E Darkness Helmet 5D Black Helmet 5F Paladin Helmet 54 Silver Helmet 57 Diamond Helmet 50 Samurai Helmet 59 Dragoon Helmet 51 Crystal Helmet 55 Cap Hat 56 Leather Hat 5B Gaea Hat 5C Wizard Hat 58 Tiara Hat 5A Ribbon Hat 52 Headband Headgear 53 Bandanna Headgear 5E Ninja Headgear 6D Glass Armet 6F Iron Armor 64 Shadow Armor 67 Darkness Armor 60 Black Armor 69 Paladin Armor 61 Silver Armor 65 Fire Armor 66 Ice Armor 6B Diamond Armor 6C Samurai Armor 68 Dragoon Armor 6A Crystal Armor 62 Cloth Costume 63 Leather Costume 6E Gaea Costume BD Wizard Costume BF Black Costume B4 Sorcerer Costume B7 White Costume B0 Power Costume B9 Heroine Costume B1 Prisoner Costume B5 Bard Costume B6 Karate Costume BB Bl. Belt Costume BC Adamant Armor B8 Ninja Costume BA Iron Gauntlet B2 Shadow Gauntlet B3 Darkness Gauntlet BE Black Gauntlet CD Paladin Gauntlet CF Silver Gauntlet C4 Diamond Gauntlet C7 Zeus Gauntlet C0 Samurai Gauntlet C9 Dragoon Gauntlet C1 Crystal Gauntlet C5 IronRing Ring C6 RubyRing Ring CB Silver Ring CC Strength Ring C8 Rune Ring CA Crystal Ring C2 Diamond Ring C3 Protect Ring CE Cursed Ring ----------------ITEMS----------------------------- Game Genie Name Type 8D Fragment Bomb 8F RightArm Bomb 84 S. Pole Whirlwind 87 N. Pole Whirlwind 80 ZeusRage None 89 GodWrath None 81 Stardust None 85 Lillith Kiss 86 Vampire Fang 8B Bacchus Liquor 8C Hermes Shoes 88 Copper Hourglass 8A Silver Hourglass 82 Golden Hourglass 83 Spider Web 8E Skape Doll AD FireBomb Elem. Ball AF Ice-Ball Elem. Ball A4 Lit-Bolt Elem. Ball A7 Light Curtain A0 Spirit Bomb A9 Lunar Curtain A1 Silence Bell A5 Quake Drum A6 Crystal Event Item AB Cuahl Whisker AC Summoner Book A8 Monster Book AA Alarm Clock A2 Unicorn Horn A3 Cure1 Potion AE Cure2 Potion 2D Cure3 Potion 2F Ether1 Potion 24 Ether2 Potion 27 Elixir Potion 20 Life Phoenix Down 29 Gold-Pin None 21 MaidKiss None 25 Aprntice Hammer 26 DietFood None 2B EchoHerb None 2C Eyedrop Potion 28 Antidote Potion 2A Symbol Cross 22 Medicine Potion (Heal) 23 Alarm None 2E Golden Apple 3D Silver Apple 3F SomaDrop None 34 Tent Shelter 37 Cabin Shelter 30 PornoMag Book 39 Teleport Door 31 DwfBread Map (????) 35 Goblin Summon Spell 36 Spectre Summon Spell 3B Rudra Summon Spell 3C MindFlay Summon Spell 38 Carrot Vegetable 3A Pass None 32 Whistle None 33 Package Event Item 3E BaronKey Event Item ED SandRuby Event Item EF Earth Event Item E4 MagmaKey Event Item E7 LuccaKey Event Item E0 TwinHarp Event Item E9 Darkness Event Item E1 Rat Tail Event Item E5 Adamant Event Item E6 Pan Event Item EB PinkTail Event Item EC TowerKey Event Item E8 DkMatter None EA ???????? ????? E2 ???????? ????? E3 -Sort- None EE TrashCan Disposal