Although it's true that I made 99% of the codes, and all of the documents here at the Code Hut, I couldn't have done it without the help of many people. Here is a list of some of the people that I owe many thanks to... -Andrew Hedstrom: Andrew made the "Code Hut" graphic for me (the one that's at the top of every page). I'm not too good at that kind of stuff, so I was real happy when he made it. Thanks Andrew! -Cheatmaster: Cheatmaster is one of the best code makers that I've ever known. Whenever I'm having trouble with a new code I'm working on, she always finds time to help me. There are some codes on my site that I never would have made without her help. ( -GGCCC members: I am a member of the "Game Genie Code Creator's Club" (GGCCC) and most of the members in the club have helped a lot in one way or another. Thanks guys (and gals)! ( -Paul Shoener III: Paul is an excellent code maker! Paul and I started corresponding a couple of months ago, and since then, I have learned a great deal from him. I'm slowly learning a whole different method of code making from him. ( -Zophar's Domain: For posting some of my documents, and for providing me with the newest emulators and other tools (which I use to help me make new codes). ( -GameFAQs: For posting many of my codes and documents, and for providing me with lots of useful FAQs (which give me game info I need for making new codes). ( -Code testers: Many people have taken the time to test some of my codes. Too many names to list, but you know who you are. I know there are lots of people I didn't mention here that helped out a lot, but consider yourself thanked. Making and running this website has been lots of fun so far, and I appreciate the help from everyone. Sincerely, Tony Hedstrom