Original SNES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Chrono Trigger xx1B-7F8D Always receive any item you want after battling Hetakes! Replace "xx" in the code above with a 2 digit code from the list below that matches the item you want. Here are some sample codes... A91B-7F8D Always receive a Mega Elixir after you battle a Hetake! One place to find Hetakes is in the Guardia Forest (West of Crono's house) 1000 A.D. CF1B-7F8D Always receive a Gold Earring after you battle a Hetake. One place to find Hetakes is in the Guardia Forest (West of Crono's house) 1000 A.D. A21B-7F8D Always receive a Power Tab after you battle a Hetake. One place to find Hetakes is in the Guardia Forest (West of Crono's house) 1000 A.D. ------------------------------------------------------ Below is the list of items in the game. Find the item you want and use the matching 2 digit code in place of the "xx" in the code above. 82 Tonic 83 MidTonic 8E FullTonic AD Ether AF Mid Ether A4 Full Ether A7 Elixir A0 HyperEther A9 Mega Elixir A1 Heal A5 Revive A6 Shelter AB PowerMeal AC Lapis A8 Barrier AA Shield A2 Power Tab A3 Magic Tab AE Speed Tab B9 Bandana B1 Ribbon B5 PowerGlove B6 Defender BB MagicScarf BC Amulet B8 Dash Ring BA Hit Ring B2 Power Ring B3 Magic Ring BE Wall Ring CD SilverErng CF Gold Erng C4 SilverStud C7 Gold Stud C0 SightScope C9 Charm Top C1 Rage Band C5 Frenzyband C6 Third Eye CB Wallet CC GreenDream C8 Berserker CA PowerScarf C2 SpeedBelt C3 Black Rock CE Blue Rock 8D SilverRock 8F White Rock 84 Gold Rock 80 MuscleRing 89 FleaVest 81 Magic Seal 85 Power Seal 86 Relic 8B SeraphSong 8C SunShades 88 PrismSpecs DF WoodSword D4 IronBlade D0 LodeSword D9 Red Katana D1 Flint Edge D5 Dark Saber D6 Aeon Blade DB Demon Blade DC Alloy Blade D8 StarSword DA VedicBlade D2 KaliBlade D3 ShivaEdge DE BoltSword FD Slasher FF Bronze Bow F4 Iron Bow F7 Lode Bow F0 Robin Bow F9 Sage Bow F1 Dream Bow F5 CometArrow F6 SonicArrow FB Valkerie FC Siren FE Air Gun 4D Dart Gun 4F Auto Gun 44 PicoMagnum 47 Plasma Gun 40 Ruby Gun 49 Dream Gun 41 MegaBlast 45 Shock Wave 46 WonderShot 4B Graedus 43 Tin Arm 4E HammerArm 7D MirageHand 7F Stone Arm 74 DoomFinger 77 Magma Hand 70 MegatonArm 79 Big Hand 71 Kaiser Arm 75 Giga Arm 76 TerraArm 7B CrisisArm 78 BronzeEdge 7A Iron Sword 73 FlashBlade 7E PearlEdge 0D RuneBlade 0F BraveSword 07 Demon Hit 08 DarkScythe 0A Hurricane 02 StarScythe 03 DoomSickle 98 Hide Tunic 9A Karate Gi 92 BronzeMail 93 MaidenSuit 9E Iron Suit 1D GoldSuit 1F Ruby Vest 14 Dark Mail 17 Mask Robe 10 Mist Robe 19 Meso Mail 11 Lumin Robe 15 Flash Mail 16 Lode Vest 1B Aeon Suit 1C ZodiacCape 18 NovaArmor 1A PrismDress 12 MoonArmor 13 RubyArmor 1E RavenArmor 5D GloomCape 5F WhiteMail 54 BlackMail 57 Blue Mail 50 Red Mail 59 White Vest 51 Black Vest 55 Blue Vest 56 Red Vest 5B Taban Vest 5C TabanSuit 5A Hide Cap 52 BronzeHelm 53 IronHelm 5E Beret 6D Gold Helm 6F Rock Helm 64 CeraTopper 67 Glow Helm 60 Lode Helm 69 Aeon Helm 61 Prism Helm 65 Doom Helm 66 Dark Helm 6B Time Helm 6C Safe Helm 68 Taban Helm 6A Sight Cap 62 MemoryCap 63 Time Hat 6E Vigil Hat BD OzziePants BF Haste Helm B4 R'bow Helm B7 MermaidCap 2D Petal 2F Fang 24 Horn 27 Feather