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Mario Kart Advanced

Mario and friends first started on the Super Nintendo in: Super Mario Kart. Then a
few years later they took a major leap forward from the flat lifeless worlds of the
SNES version to the 3-D worlds of the Nintendo 64 with all new features. Now it's
time for Mario Kart to take another leap forward... And shrink in size! That's right
Mario and friends are coming to the upcoming GBA in Mario Kart Advanced. It
will have all the features of the Nintendo 64 version. Maybe even some new ones,
as shown in the screen shot of a new looking course! Although Mario Kart Advanced
is not yet a confirmed title and remains a tentetive one, it is most likely it will be
released later this year. It was first shown off at Space World 2000. Take a look at
all of the screenshots! We will keep you posted.
