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I run into the raging wind,
The raindrops are a savage red.
My ravaged screams echo in the night.
All Hallows Eve is a night for the dead.

The wolf howls in the distance,
The fire inside rages once more.
Anticipation grips my soul,
Bravely I push on, knowing what's in store.

My flowing white gown stained red now,
I wait for the twelfth hour.
At the stroke of midnight
I will once again have the power.

I peer out into the distance.
The wolf's eyes glow red in the night.
My black-tipped fingernails bite into my flesh
As I wait, my anticipation caged in fright.

As I watch, mesmerized,
The wolf is transformed.
Red eyes, pale skin, gracefully glides down to me.
By the wolf moon he is formed.

I shiver in anticipation
As I fall into waiting arms.
I place my life into his hands,
I'm dependant on dark beauty and feral charms.

My only love I find in him.
In his dark kiss.
Under the full moon
He fulfills my every wish.

The magic of Halloween dissipates,
An eerie fog rolls in.
One final kiss all I can hold onto
As night fades and a new day begins.

The magic spell broken,
Into the fog he disappears.
Exhausted and spent I fall to my knees.
The daylight calms my fears.

I cry in the lonely sunlight.
The complete silence says it all.
In my lonely existence
I anxiously await his next call.

This poem is inspired by a Type O negative song (I have no affiliations with this band)

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