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Time stands still,
As the silence engulfs us all.
Life is so unreal,
I try to climb, but still I fall.

I've become
The thing I kill.
Love for some,
Do what you will.

I feel no guilt,
Too many years
My hates been built,
No more tears.

Torn apart,
There's nothing inside.
Something for nothing,
Dark shadows I hide.

Life for death,
Death to life.
To live forever,
Eternal strife.

Immortality kills.
Death becomes him,
Reaper bears all
On strong cold wings.

Mortality is eternal,
Death is forever.
Life is fleeting,
Hades is clever.

The Underworld awaits
All those who fear.
The Elysian fields,
Potter's Field, the truth is clear.

Eternal slumber,
Peaceful sleep.
Life is good,
Our soul to keep.

Forget tomorrow,
Enjoy today.
Love your neighbor,
Take time to pray.

Death doesn't discriminate,
Free will can't save.
Everyone is called
By cold, dark grave.

Be all that you can,
Don't hold back.
No time to fear,
No safe to crack.

Live your life,
No fear.
Be your everything,
No more tears.

Don't waste His gift,
Don't take time to hate.
Appreciate life.
Love, don't hate.

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