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ROOs Clan Web Page

Renegade Operations Operatives Home Page

Welcome to the home page of the Renegade Operations Operatives. Whether you are here to in-list with our unit, or just want some information on Rainbow Six games, we welcome you to our home page and hope you leave fully satisfied. The ROOs are fully devoted and hard working soldiers, so before you sign on, you better make sure it's within yourself to fight gallantly for your clan. The ROOs are not all work however; we enjoy each other's company and like to have fun. This fun however never includes public slander or any other act that would dishonor this fine clan. A ROO has respect for the Chain of Command and authority. If a ROO holds the jurisdiction of a superior officer, they still treat their sub-ranking ROOs with extreme respect, and if they ever violate this dominion they shall no longer find themselves in that position of authority. A ROO works hard with valor and pride, a ROO sees a duty as another opportunity to prove his loyalty and preen. ROOs stick together, and once a ROO, always a ROO we honor those who have served with us, and disgrace those who betray us. Becoming a ROO is not a decision to be made expeditiously. Nevertheless, if you believe you can serve with such proud and noble soldiers, I cordially invite you to enlist with the Renegade Operations Operatives. Kampf an für selbst und was Recht hat!

General of ROOs

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