2 Players | 30 minutes |
Concept: Noble courts duel for
supremacy using one on one duels -- supply your own 52 card deck &
6-sided die to play. |
Gameplay: The deck of playing cards is
separated into two piles: Jacks, Queens & Kings in one pile (Noble
Deck) and numbers in the other pile. Each player receives six cards
from the Noble deck -- and chooses three nobles to keep.
Remaining nobles are reshuffled and kept in a separate stack. The
nobles are placed in front of each player (courtyard). Each player is
then dealt
six cards from the number deck as their hand. Players decide who
goes first. Each player's turn has five
At the beginning of your
turn, you may place a 2 or 3 card on a noble -- signifying a weapon or
permanent strength boost (+2 or +3 depending upon the card). If one of
your nobles is a King, you may wound the King to gain an extra resource. Each turn, you automatically
generate one resource in phase 2. After generating the resource,
you may spend them or save them for later. Spending 1 resource
allows you to draw an additional number card -- limit 3 card draws per
turn. However, you must draw all cards at one time -- you can't
spend, draw and spend again. If you spend 5 resources, you may
draw a new noble for your courtyard. There are a few special actions
that may be taken at the beginning of your turn only: Discarding cards
of certain suits will allow you to perform a special action -- but you
can only do them once per game. (Read the full rules to find out more.) If you choose to duel, you
push one noble to the center of the playing area and specify which
opposing noble you wish to duel. Your opponent may choose to
spend 2 resources to change the dueling target -- either way, combat
will follow. Combat is performed by
adding the noble's strength to several bonuses and a die roll.
High score wins the duel -- with a special case is an ace is
played. Combat strengths are calculated as follows:
If your noble is a Queen, add 3 for each other noble in your courtyard. If your noble is a Jack, you may play 2 number cards at step 5 or 6. If either player played an Ace in steps 5 or 6, this is an automatic win. (If the attacker plays an ace, the defender may play an ace to tie the duel.) The winner of the duel is awarded one resource, and the loser's noble is wounded. (In ties, both nobles are wounded -- no one gets a resource.) All non-permanent boost cards are discarded. If the losing noble has reached their wound limit, they and their permanent boost cards are discarded. (Jacks and Queens can take 2 wounds, Kings can take 3.) To win you must eliminate
all of your opponent's nobles. |
Winning Conditions:
Our Opinion:
If you are interested in
one-on-one card games, this is a good starting game. It's price
is great (free!), the rules are brief, and it contains the concepts
that most games use: For instance, each noble has a separate starting
strength that may be modified permanently and boosted in the heat of
battle and resources are generated each turn and may be used to perform
special actions; Because nobles can withstand multiple losses when
dueling, you can refine your strategy based upon card counting or how
your opponent appears to be attacking. In addition, it's a card
game that doesn't try to sell booster packs, so it won't put you in
debt to learn to play it well. We are still debating which
noble is best to use in a duel strategically. The Jack's ability to use
two power boost cards in battle is a huge advantage if you have high
cards in your hand -- whereas, if you use a Queen, and you have many
nobles her bonus counters many powerful hands -- and if you roll high
numbers, the King is strong enough to hold off a solid attack.
Which is better? It depends upon the current game condition. This
flexibility in design is very good for keeping players thinking as the
play. In our initial game, we did
find that the game favors defense for a long time. Attacking and
losing duels thoroughly weakens your position in your opponent's next
turn. Study some Sun Tzu to fully understand the tactics. This
game can really punish over-aggressive players. Overall, we found these
rules to be fairly solid -- we only had one minor question arise, which
was solved by an in-game decision-- as long as we played consistently,
the answer didn't unbalance the game. The format of the rules
could be adjusted a little for quick reference, but as they are only 3
pages, it doesn't take long to refer back to the rules when you forget
what comes next. Although there are so many numbers to add up
while actually dueling we tended to forget the special case bonuses
when number cards of the same suit as the noble were used -- again, as
long as we played consistently, this didn't affect our game too
much. We missed this primarily because the paragraph describing
the duels obscures this particular bonus from someone who is scanning
the text quickly. CCG fans... check this game
out -- you can't argue the price! |
Where to buy: Free rules download from 3J Games. (You supply the
cards & dice) |
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