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Hittite Chariots

My army currently has 12 chariots painted and ready for action. All the chariots pictured are made by Old Glory, however the crews are made up of Foundry & Old Glory miniatures.

The blue chariot in the middle of the photo with the crazed leader, insanely yelling and waving his sword is one of my favorites. The figure is actually from the OG Hittite Spearmen pack. I had to do some heavy cutting to fit him in there but the effort, I think, paid off. In addition, I used a standard bearer from the same OG pack, for my Battle Standard Bearer in the chariot on the right.

Hittite Chariots charge forward slaying scores of Sun-worshipping Egyptian dogs(Foundry figures).

The King’s chariot, in the center, leads the charge, flanked by the “insane” leader and the musician’s chariots (from the OG spearmen pack). I had a lot of fun modeling these chariots.