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Hittite Maryannu Chariots

Chariots are a lot of work and will take up a lot of your time. Just think, you have to paint 2 horses, the chariot and 2 crew, (that's 5 models) in order make one chariot. In the same amount of time, I could have painted a 25 figure unit instead of these 5 chariots. Still, I love painting chariots and always take a bunch of them in my army. These 5 chariots are in my Cold Wars 2000 Hittite tourney army.


All of the Maryannu crews are Foundry miniatures, the chariots are from Old Glory NKE range (pack PBE-02). Old Glory chariots are bigger than Foundry chariots so the Foundry crews fit nicely in the OG chariots. I discovered this when putting together my Old Glory Hittite chariots. Three Old Glory Hittite crew charioteers (larger that Foundry Hittite crews), barely fit into a chariot even after hacking and cutting. I experimented and found that mixing Foundry crew with Old Glory crew made the task much easier. Of course with these chariots I had no choice since OG doesn't make Maryannu chariots and crews.