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Praetorian Guards

A pretty common situation, you buy a bunch of cool looking figures and plan on painting them right away, but something else more important takes the "cool" figure's place in the painting queue. This happens a few times and the figures are buried in the to be painted pile, in my case the EIR to be painted pile. Then a tournament approaches and I decide to finally get the cool unit done. Here they are.

I decided to use a veteran unit of Legionaires in my Cold Wars 2004 army and what better troops to portray crusty veterans than the Foundry Praetorians. I used the same decals for the shields are my regular legionaires, this give my army more unity. Even though the decals I used were made for the standard retangular EIR shield, cutting the decal down the middle worked fine, as you can see.

Sadly my Praetorians performance in the tournament did not exactly reflect an elite unit (they had a hard time with some Persian Levies). I guess they need more experience and training.