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WIZARDS OF THE COAST® and Magic: The Gathering® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All symbols and expansions (AlphaTM, BetaTM, UnlimitedTM, Arabian NightsTM, AntiquitiesTM, RevisedTM, LegendsTM, The DarkTM, Fallen EmpiresTM, 4th EditionTM, HomelandsTM, Ice AgeTM, AlliancesTM, MirageTM, 5th EditionTM, VisionsTM, WeatherlightTM, TempestTM, StrongholdTM, ExodusTM, Urza's SagaTM, Urza's LegacyTM, Urza's DestinyTM, Mercadian MasquesTM, NemesisTM, 6th EditionTM, 7th EditionTM, ChroniclesTM, ProphecyTM, InvasionTM, PlaneshiftTM, ApocolypseTM, TM, TM, TM, TM, TM, TM) are a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All card art is copyright of ©Wizards of the Coast Inc. and their respective artists. All Rights Reserved. This site design is made by Eric Zhao and copyrighted by Eric Zhao.