Strange Days: Part Two

Written by Kira

When we last left the writers of random insanity, yadda yadda yadda, so forth and so on, a strange old man had offered to send them all to the universes where their characters lived. Needless to say, the writers all thoughts this extremely cool. Or actually, Jen did, and she pulled the rest of us into it. To which Tomas says later "Nice going, Jen." Anyway, Jonas and Kira and Lyta found themselves in the middle of a fight with Darth Maul, with their favorite characters in StarWarsII. Kira was practically falling head over heels when she saw Obi-Wan, but he's taken, so she decided to give up. To which Kira says "Damn. I came up with Arabella, and she steals Obi-Wan!" (Jonas humbly reminds me it was my idea... Hmph) Anyway again, they all decide to go find the other writers. If they can, that is.

* * *

Abishai sits up rubbing his head, as if he's fallen from somewhere pretty high. He looks up and sees nothing but a gray sky and smells rotting garbage and other gross things. He begins to wonder where he is pretty quickly, and stands up to get a better look.

"Oh I wish I were an Oscar Myer..."

Abishai blinks several times and whirls around, to see a man with fire red hair and clad in a navy blue suit strolling down the street. His mouth drops open when he realizes who it is, and then tries to hide a snicker as he comes to realize the man was also singing the Oscar Myer song.

"Hey! Um... you didn't hear that, okay, kid?"

"Reno?," Abishai says. "Hah! Like hell I didn't hear that! I'm going to tell... wait a second. What are you doing here?!"

Reno shrugs. "This is Midgar. I live here. Speaking of which, YOU'RE the one that's not supposed to be here! You're a writer. Writers are strictly forbidden from coming into our place. I think... rules might have been changed again... Damn suits."

Abishai blinks, confused, but decided to ignore what Reno just muttered.

"Can you help me figure out what's going on here?," Abishai asks. "Like why I'm here. Can't be because of that old dude... I think."

"Abishai!! Hey, Abissssssshhhhhaaaaaaaiiiii!!!!!!!!!!"

Reno and Abishai both turn to see Megan and Bel running up to them from down the street. With a closer look around, Abishai begins to think they're in Sector 5 in Final Fantasy VII.

"Hey, you ended up here too, huh?," Megan asks. "Reno? Whoa! This is weird..."

"You're telling me," Abishai murmurs. "I was just asking Reno to help us find out what's going on. Oh, and you won't believe what I heard him--ooofff!!"

Reno shrugs innocently after elbowing Abishai quite hard in the stomach. Abishai shoots him a look to kill, which he ignores.

"Sounds all right," Bel says. "I always wanted to see Midgar anyways! So when do we go?"

"Wait... we're not going to see Rufus here, are we?," Megan asks suddenly.

She feels someone tap on her shoulder, and whirls around, holding Rufus' shotgun at ready. None other than the man in white stands in front of her, grinning not so pleasantly.

"Uh... Ruf!," she says. "How you doing?"

"Finally I get my shotgun back," Rufus begins, and grabs his shotgun from Megan. For his attempt though, she only stomps on his foot. Rufus begins to howl and jump around, holding his injured foot. Reno takes the opportunity to trip him.

"Whoops, was that YOUR foot right there?," Reno says.

"Mmomonoy ffourh aounmd!!," Rufus tries to say, but his face is buried in the dirt.

"What was that?," Reno asks.

"You're a dead man!," Rufus repeats himself.

Bel quickly jumps in between them.

"Hey, you're supposed to be HELPING us, remember?," She says. "So stop fighting and let's go."

"Yeah, blondie, we should play nice for right now, huh?," Reno says.

Rufus takes a swing at him, but Reno quickly jumps out of the way and Rufus' fist hits the brick wall Reno was leaning against. Once again, he begins to yowl in pain.

* * *

Jen begins to grow very hot standing in the middle of the desert she and Tomas found themselves in. In the distance, Tomas can see the makings of a castle against the sand. He shakes his head as he begins to think it looks a whole lot like Figaro Castle...

"We should head there," he suggests.

"Wha...?," Jen asks.

"Jen!!," Tomas exclaims, finding her face down on the sand. "What in the world are you DOING?!"

Jen looks at him calmly. "Well, there's water under the desert, so I was digging for some, but I don't think I found any." She holds up her hands, caked with mud. "Just this."

"You're a mess," Tomas says, shaking his head.

Jen sticks her tongue out at him, then turns back to the mud for a second. Scooping up the biggest mud ball she could make, she throws it at Tomas. It hits him right on the nose. Jen jumps up, cheering triumphantly.

Tomas begins to rub away the dirt. "You're NOT funny..."

"Yes I am!," she laughs. "C'mon, mud boy."

After a long time of walking, she and Tomas are soon walking up the steps of the castle. The guard at the door nearly jumps out of his skin as he sees Tomas' face covered in mud. (Thinking he HAS to be some sort of creature... Or Jen thinks that's what the guard thinks.)

"Hey, where is this?," Jen asks kindly.

"Figaro Castle, young lady," the guard says.

Tomas snorts. "You're far off from young there."

Jen punches him in the arm. "I'm only twenty-one, so keep your mouth shut! You will be too one day."

"When I'm twenty-one, you're be twenty-six.... I think. Hey, guard, you said FIGARO CASTLE, right?"

The guard nods. "Yep. Um, how about you two go see King Edgar?"

Jen brightens almost right away, and charges into the castle, dragging Tomas along behind her. They enter the throne room of Figaro Castle, where King Edgar Roni Figaro sits, accompanied by his brother, Sabin Rene, Maria Thao, Duvessa Shay, Devan Shay, Vargas Thao, Mog, and Relm Arrowny. Upon seeing Duvessa though, Jen begins to think her chances with Edgar are slim. After all, he is sort of 'with' Duvessa in...

"FF6AFTERLIFE?!," Jen exclaims.

"Beg your pardon, my lady?," Edgar asks.

Jen manages to keep from swooning upon hearing his voice.

"Um, she's a little crazy," Tomas says.

Sabin snickers. "She's crazy, and you're the one with mud all over your face."

"Shut up!," Tomas mutters. "Listen, I'm Tomas, and this is Jen."

"Jen?," Edgar asks. "Why, this is MY writer!"

"Oh yeah?," Sabin says. "Where's my insane writer, then?"

"We don't know, exactly," Tomas explains. He looks around the throne room, and sees one more familiar face. "ALEX!"

Alex grins sheepishly. "I was wondering if you guys would ever make it out of the desert... you didn't wake up, so I left and well.. Erm..."

"YOU LEFT US?!," Jen yells, and charges toward him. As she begins to strangle Alex (pretty much for the sake of it, she's a little made because of the mud on her hands and how hot it was in the desert, but any reason to attack Alex is a good one) Edgar pulls her away from him.

"You're just as wild as I thought," he murmurs. "Now, Lady Jen, may I ask what you are doing here?"

"That old guy that came in front of us said he'd send us to our characters' universes," Jen explains. "So I guess that's what happened. "But where are the others?"

"Don't worry, we'll help you find them," Edgar says.

Jen promptly faints at last, consumed by the shock and surprise of seeing Dear Old Ed.

* * *

Kira walks alongside Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, while Jonas is busy explaining something to Darth Maul, something like how to be a 'good villian.' Lyta is walking behind them with Luke on her right side, Rune on the left. But it's really Kira who's in heaven at the moment. She's standing beside two of the CUTEST Jedi to ever grace Star Wars. And the one named Obi-Wan Kenobi is got to be one of the cutest guys she's EVER fallen for, but that's beside the point. It's a miracle she's has swooned yet. (Like some such other person who shall remain nameless at the moment. Hey, Jen's not around, so why mention her? Um... er, never mind.)

"So what you're saying is, that I have to be really EVIL so I can be a good VILLIAN," Darth Maul says. He shakes his head. "I just don't know... I mean, where's the motivation in this? Why am I so evil? What about my life and worries and feelings and things?"

Obi-Wan clamps his hand on his forehead, shaking his head. "It's not use, Jonas. This guy is a total IDIOT sometimes!"

"An idiot that kicked your ass, need I remind you!," Maul shoots back.

"Hey, I cut your worthless body in half in The Phantom Menace, so shut up!," Obi-Wan returns. "You're SUPPOSED to be dead right now, but Kira let you stay alive, and now I've got a scar on my side for it!"

Kira smiles sheepishly. "Um... well, Jonas wanted him, so I was being nice... is all."

"Don't worry, he's still a little upset about his women troubles," Qui-Gon says.

"I AM NOT!," Obi-Wan declares. "I'm just... I mean... well... Damn."

"Well, the way I see it is Anakin can get a girl when he's NINE, but you can't even at TWENTY-SIX," Maul remarks.

Obi-Wan whirl around, drawing his lightsaber. "That's it, let's finish this RIGHT NOW!"

Kira quickly pulls Obi-Wan back, and Jonas drags Maul away as well.

"Not now!," Lyta says to them. "We need to find our way out of here, remember?"

"Right," Luke says. "So you two need to shut up."

Obi-Wan and Maul exchange glances then both mutter, "Sorry."

"And don't forget Anakin practically kills you once you come to Cloud City," Rune says.

Maul shoots her a glare, but remains silent. Probably only because Jonas managed to put ducktape over Maul's mouth. Which is a good thing, since with teeth like Maul HAS, his breath has gotta be some of the worst smells you have ever even THOUGHT of. Worse than a dead skunk, which is a smell hard to beat.

They come to Cloud City's hallways and stuff in whatever place they were in, overlooking the city around them. A young boy runs up to them suddenly, giving them all questioning looks.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be shoving him to his death in a little while!," he says indignantly. "What's he doing here with you guys?"

"Our writers showed up a bad time," Obi-Wan explains.

"You're supposed to be knocked out right now too, master," Anakin Skywalker says.

"Things didn't go so well," Luke replies. "So now we have to help them get back to where they belong, so we can get back to where we belong."

"WRITER WARS!," Kira yells suddenly.

"What?," Jonas asks.

Kira grins, "It's a good name... You know, we're all fighting each other a lot, so we can call it WRITER WARS: A NEW FRILLY DRESS FOR EACH MALE WRITER!"

There's a sudden silence, and crickets can be heard chirping somewhere.

"Or not," Kira murmurs.

Obi-Wan shakes his head. "And she was so highly recommended as a writer..."

"Me?," Kira asks. "Hah! Maybe... my posts are ALL bad so you know--"

She promptly gets hit over the head by a person that suddenly shows up.

"Ishte?," Jonas says.

"I have to make sure she doesn't go complaining about her work all the time," Ishte explains. "Bye!"

With that she disappears again. Jonas blinks, exchanging glances with Lyta. Lyta only shrugs.

"Yeowch!," Kira cries. "Wish she wouldn't do that..."

Maul shakes his head. He can't talk because of the ducktap, but he would sure like to tell off a few people at the moment. It's obvious in the way he's glaring at everyone. But, Jonas is pretty sure the only person Maul is really mad with would be Obi-Wan, since Obi-Wan has been able to humiliate him all day. Then again, Maul did have some good comebacks to Obi-Wan... Jonas begins to wonder about the odds of who would win this little battle.

"Jonas? Jonas!"

"What?!," he exclaims, whirling around to see the others all staring at him.

"Um... yeah?," he asks.

"That way," Luke points down a corridor to the right, and Jonas realizes he was heading down on one the left. Simple mistake, some would say, others would say... well, that he's an idiot. (This writer won't say which one she thinks is right; she knows Jonas has the *Gasp* ruby red slippers!!)

Maul begins to try to say something, but he can't exactly with the tape over his mouth, or the fact his hands are tied behind his back. Needless to say, Obi-Wan is getting a real kick out of this.

'Just you wait, Kenobi,' Maul mutters mentally.

"I can wait," Obi-Wan says.

Maul gives him a questioning look.

"Remember? I know what you're thinking," Obi-Wan explains. "Comes with being a Jedi in all."

Darth Maul chooses to ignore him.

"You two are like three-year-olds," Rune remarks as she walks by the both of them.

Lyta nods. "... And it's not fair to make fun of Maul when he can't talk back, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan looks at her innocently.

"Can we get going or what?," Jonas asks, who is also now irritated. Wonder why...

Obi-Wan shrugs. "Yeah, yeah... let's go."

As Jonas walks by Maul, he decides to be a nice guy (like he is... occasionally, but anyway) and take off the ducktape. Unfortunately, he didn't think of what it feels like to have ducktape ripped right off of your face. (Author sez: Not like I would know... Hey, don't look at me like that! I don't know... I mean, well, maybe I do, but I'm not telling you guys!!) Since Jonas doesn't know, he rips off the ducktape covering Maul's mouth.


Everyone whirls around to see what in the world that could have been, to find Jonas innocently holding a piece of ducktape in his hand, and Maul rolling on the ground as he yowls ONCE AGAIN in pain. This is obviously too much for Obi-Wan, because he's flat on the floor having a laughing fit.

* * *

Alex hangs his head over the side of the Falcon, trying to keep from throwing up his lunch like his breakfast just went. His face is an odd shade of green, and he looks a lot like Yuffie Kisaragi flat on the floor there. Jen's trying to keep from laughing at him, but to no avail.

"Thanks a lot," Alex mutters. "I wouldn't laugh at you if---urk!!"

"And there goes your lunch," Setzer remarks from the controls of the Falcon.

"So can we get from ff6afterlife to StarWarsII or ff7san just like that?," Tomas asks Edgar.

Edgar nods. "But of course. It might be a little bit harder to get to say, ff7ang. See, since Kira still 'owns' ff6afterlife, as in saying it's at her account at OneList, and you're moderator.... Anyway, to make this short, we can get to any of Kira's IFs in a blink of an eye if we're in one of her IFs to start with, but we can't get to say... Alex's IF."

"Oh...," Tomas says slowly. "Um, okay... We should go to StarWarsII," Tomas says. "FF7san is dead pretty much, so I suppose we'd better go there."

"Why?," Sabin asks him.

"If I know Kira right, she's like a magnet to cute male characters," Tomas explains. "And the one right now she's fallen for is Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Sabin snorts. (Author sez: Aw, I still like you, Sabin! But I mean... c'mon! Obi-Wan IS CUTE!!)

* * *

"Say Reno, which ff7 list is this?," Bel asks.

Reno is currently yanking Rufus' hair, while Rufus has his foot in Reno's pocket somehow, and is trying to reach Reno's nightstick. Reno glances to Bel, and he and Rufus quickly untangle themselves and stand up like the gentlemen they are NOT.

"FF7ang," Reno replies. "You're in the past part of it, but we can go to the future if ya like."

"That quick?," Abishai asks.

"Not really," Rufus tells him. "It would be better to stay here. It's the only way we can get the Highwind... I think."

"Why would Cid give YOU the Highwind?," Megan asks, hand on hips.

Rufus turns his nose up at her. "BECAUSE, since it's the past, Cid doesn't HAVE the Highwind right now. I have it!"

"Aren't we a tad stuck-up?," Bel says.

"Am not," Rufus says quietly.

"So let's get the Highwind and try to find the others, right?," Abishai suggests.

Rufus shrugs. "All things come with a price, you know... Say... my Shotgun back and I'll help you."

Abishai, Reno, and Bel all look at Megan, who is cuddling Rufus' shotgun.

"Mine!," she says indignantly.

Abishai sighs. "She won't give it up."

An idea suddenly strike Megan (we can see that due to the lightbulb that appears above her head) and she bursts into tears. "I just wanna... have some fun!," she cries. "Rufus isn't," she sniffs, "nice to me!!!!"

Reno charges up his nightstick, walking dangerously close to Rufus. "Now look what you did, blondie!"

Abishai is the only that notices the evil grin that appears on Megan's face as Rufus almost get electrocuted.

"All right, all right!," Rufus yells. "I'll help!"

Megan jumps up, any signs of tears gone. "Thanks, Ruffie-chan!!"

Rufus begins to grumble.


So, Jen and Tomas and Alex are on their way to find the other writers, and the ff7ang group is looking for a way to find the other writers, and so is StarWarsII!! What's in store for the next part of Strange Days? Heck, I don't know... this stuff just comes to mind and I write it down. Heh. Anyway, will Alex ever get over his airsickness? (Not bloody likely) Will Maul become a good villian?

Obi-Wan: Yeah right.

Darth Maul: SHUT THE HELL UP!!

Both of you be quiet, this is MY afterword! ... Good. Now, anyway... Wait, I'm finished. Never mind then, I suppose.


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