Chapter Five

The Decision

Glenn squirmed, obviously uncomfortable, on the flower-decorated couch. It was quite possibly the worst couch he had every been on, definitely being both the hardest and the one with the least traction. Guess this is what you have when you're rich, Glenn thought, once again allowing himself to detest the torturous piece of furniture he sat upon.

Glenn tried to forget about the couch by looking around the room, which had many pieces of furniture that matched the couch, and at this moment were filled with other people. Glenn saw Charles across the room, obviously also uncomfortable, moving his legs so that he could stand it for tonight's short meeting. Glenn suppressed a laugh, remembering that he, too, had been doing the same only moments before.

The meeting, Glenn had found out just before he, Maurene, and Charles had left was about him. Glenn didn't have any idea why a meeting with the town's representation to the Guardian Royal Defense Council was about him, but when he inquired about it to Maurene and Charles for answers, they had none. So Glenn still wasn't exactly sure what it was about.

When the party had arrived at the lavish three-story house belonging to the council member, he found that Cyrus was there. The results of trying to get information from Cyrus was less than Glenn had hoped for. "I don't know. I guess we're in this place because it has to do with the Guardian military or somethin' else involving this guy," Cyrus had said at Glenn's first inquiries. This was the best Glenn was to do on retrieving information.

Glenn sighed. A message had come to he and his family last week that they were supposed to be there. "Hear ye, hear ye. The presence of Maurene, Charles, and Glenn Kinston are requested at the house of the Guardian Royal Defense Councilman's house in four days concerning matters of a military nature," a man who had come to the door of the Kinston household several days before. From that, Glenn didn't think his parents could simply decide that the meeting was about him, so they had apparently gotten some facts from another source.

Glenn thought back on this event. Glenn often felt annoyed by these "Proclamation Caretakers," as was their official title. Their grand way of speaking brought them many pieces of gold, but it was a well-known fact that many of them were simply the drunken relatives of politicians. More than often, they were spoken about they were bequeathed by the people of the town with titles of a less honorable nature. Glenn almost laughed out loud thinking about the event, and the traditional wig the messenger had worn. He managed to contain himself, however. Maurene and Charles had told him that tonight would prove to be an important meeting, and because of that Glenn needed to remain both quiet and serious at all times.

At this point, a woman wearing a black dress and an apron went around the room serving drinks to the people waiting patiently for the councilman to come into the room and begin the meeting. Glenn was tired of waiting, and was looking forward to getting something to break the monotony, even if it was simply a drink. Surprisingly, though, the woman passed Glenn up while handing them out. Glenn noticed that Cyrus received one, so it was obviously non-alcoholic. The woman left the room, and Glenn was angry that he didn't get anything. However, the woman immediately reappeared through the door way with a drink, and two pieces of cloth. Glenn knew what was coming, so he spoke up. "Ma'am," he began, "I really don't need a bib." Glenn looked over at Charles, expecting a chastising look. Glenn found none, so he continued talking. "I am old enough so that I won't spill, and-" Glenn was cut off be a large man entering the room.

"Ramona, just give the boy a drink."

"Yes," Cyrus said, standing up nervously. "As most of you in here know I have wanted to become a knight for a long time, but with the problems concerning mystics on the southern continent I have had no knight to be apprenticed by." Glenn snickered a bit. He knew Cyrus had planned to say this, for his grand manner somewhat resembled that of the Proclamation Caretakers. Charles shot him a look, so Glenn settled down. Cyrus continued, "Right now, I am at the age of 15, and Glenn is at the age of 9." Glenn looked up, a bit surprised. So this meeting did have something to do with him.

"In four years I will be able to take the Knight Trials," Cyrus stated, "The only problem is that I might not be able to do very well considering the fact that I have not been apprenticed, therefore I think I should take at least three more years of training instead of doing the Trials when I'm 19."

"And what does that have to do with the boy over there?" the enormous councilman asked.

"Well," Cyrus started, "First, let me tell you about Glenn. Although none of you know this, almost every day for the past several months Glenn and I have met in Guardia Forest. There, I have been teaching him basic sword training that I have learned. About a week ago, Glenn and I were in there and we were attacked by a group of imps. One of them got a good shot at me and took me out for the whole battle, but Glenn alone managed to stop them. This was proof enough for me that Glenn himself is also knight material." Cyrus began panting, apparently tired from his lengthy period of talking.

Glenn couldn't believe his ears. Him? Knight material? No way. "Well, that may be," the councilman said, "but even if he is destined to become a knight some day, there is no point in starting his training now."

"But there is," Cyrus said. "If you would let me train him, even though I'm not a knight, I'm sure it would help him. Then, after I go to take the Trials, I am sure that he could finish his last bit of conditioning on his own."

"Are you saying, Cyrus, that he should be your apprentice?" the councilman inquired. "You know what that means, don't you? It means that he will move in with you, and you must basically guide him through everything. So you think you could handle that?"

"Wait just a minute," Charles spoke up. "Glenn is only eight, and his not ready to leave the house yet. He could become a knight some day, possibly, but now is not the time to start training."

Charles seemed very adamant about this, and Glenn felt that Cyrus' idea would never happen. "Well, sir," said the obese councilman, "I do believe that Cyrus has a point, and that young Glenn might benefit from this arrangement, considering that Cyrus is the only person here right now even aspiring to become a knight."

Charles put his hand to his chin, obviously thinking on this. Glenn sat in his seat, no matter how uncomfortable, and couldn't feel a thing, and knew he couldn't until a decision was reached. "Well," Charles finally said, "I guess it is okay with me, but only if Glenn will agree to it. Glenn, are you sure you want to be a knight? If so, I guess you should go live with Cyrus and start training."

Glenn stared, almost confused. He couldn't believe what was going on. He finally mustered all of his strength, and simply said, "Yes."

Charles nodded his head, seeing that there really was no stopping the boy's ambitions. Maurene smiled slightly, but you could see that she had tears in her eyes. "Okay then it is settled. Glenn shall live with Cyrus and be under his training," said the councilman. "This meeting is over."

The people began to leave the house, and Glenn stood there, just lingering a second longer to take in everything, so he could remember this night forever. He then walked out, to attempting to catch up with the rest of the people there, and he was more than likely at that moment the happiest, most proud, child in Guardia.

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