
It Began So Fast...

“5...4...3...2...” giant crowds from around the world cried out as the end of the millennium came near. With seconds too go, couples were already kissing, friends were already drinking, family were already hugging and celebrating.

“1!!!” the crowds cheered.

Barely seconds passed before crowds around the world looked to the heavens.

The sky, black with night, flooded with a crimson cloud. Crys of panic and confusion came from all around.

Figures cut through the red mist, tendrils of red clouds chased after them, then halted, turning on the people. The mist tore them apart, along with the figures from the sky. Steel demons sliced through the crowds. People ran for their lives, hid to protect themselves some even tried to fight against the invaders.

There was no explanation. No warning. Governments from around the world rallied together, trying anyway they could to negotiate. But the demons higher power could not be reached.

Nuclear Bombs were set off as counter assaults. They had little affect, as there were no set bases or homes of these abominations.

Within’ days, humanity was brought to the brink of extinction. The metallic demons rained down from the sky, tearing it open. Huge beasts covered with iron armor, some with wings, some with tails. Along with them came race upon race of unknown creatures, strong and weak, large and small. They raided cities, burned fields, and brought the world’s army to it’s knees.

The government abandoned the people, forgetting about promises to protect them from the alien threat. Politics decided it was better to save their own skins, then protect those of billion’s others. Policemen drew their guns; not against criminals, but against demons and monsters. Some even turned the firearms on themselves, not able to handle the stress of surviving. Military bases were buried under tons of rubble, as metallic demons swooped down, flinging fire and lightning at the structures. Shells and missiles barely stunned the alien race.

Riots against the abandoning government were put down by the remains of the global Army, only to have the riot controllers wiped out by armies of monsters and beasts.

Medieval ways were soon rediscovered. Technology became obsolete. With tanks and bombs being nearly useless against the armored foes, swords and shields were soon rediscovered. Magic replaced firearms, horses replaced cars, zeppelins replaced planes, farms replaced factories and weapon, inn, and item shop owners replaced laborers and workers.

Guns became ancient, and magic became the projectile weapon of the new age.

Travelers littered the countryside, as the new age came forth.

This is the story of human survival and integrity.

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