Our Respect

"Respect..."Respect... "Respect...


Respect is the biggest word anyone can ever handle in there life across darkages. Many don't have any for themselves or others. We both have respect for the people that give it to us. Like if we are walking around and you call us stupid for being twins... Why is it stupid? Cuz you dont have a twin? Or is it because you know we are better then you. Not very nice is it. Then there is that word Noob, newbie, n00b. Common now, that word is so over rated for the Darkages World! If we are insight 60 and you are 70 what makes you any better then us. The word noob is clasified as someone who does not know much about the game...Doesn't mean anything about there insight or skills and spells they have or dont have. ((Unregged people are ok to call noobs because they are newbies. They dont know much about the game and certainly not knowing what heresy is. And then there is the girls. Ya, you can say the twin thing really does catch the eyes of some girls... Best friends both talk about it, and common now ladies, you know you all like the twin thing. Yet we are perfectly normal people, We love what we are doing and we really dont care about what people think of it. Becuase this is who we are, Who we always will be.))

((Signed Ghostk & InDiViouS))

