Hello to all my friends in cyberspace and welcome to our home page. Featured is a list of games (in alphabetic order by title) you can play right on the internet without having to sign up. You can find all your old favorites and new games on this page. Some of these games require the free shockwave and flash player plug-in. Get It Here.
If you know of any games you want featured on our home page or have any suggestions, then hit us up and let us know
. Special thanks to LACHARLES W. & DAIJA E. for the suggestion of adding a game link to our page.
All new games found/suggested will be placed in "THE TOP FIVE WEBSITES FOR FREE ONLINE GAMES" category. Then they will be moved to the other categories listed below. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the games.
* ARCADE POD - The ultimate free gaming resource zone.
* BIG FISH GAMES - Free online games on the internet.
* BUBBLE BOX - Play arcade, puzzle, action & sports games.
* CANDY STAND - The best free shockwave gaming site on the net.
* CARTOON NETWORK - Cartoon network web site.
* CLICK 2 AMUSE - A few games to amuse you.
* COFFEE BREAK ARCADE - Large selection of java & shockwave games.
* DARKFISH - Play checkers, nim skulls, five field kono & more.
* EZONE - The place to play fun, free online shockwave games.
* FLASH ARCADE - Index of games.
* FLASH GAME STUDIO - Arcade animal, bloody rage, alien invasion & more.
* FLY OR DIE - Play pool, darts, backgammon & more.
* FREE ARCADE - Where the games are free.
* FREE GAMES - A free games directory.
* FUN ISLAND - Play free arcade & action games.
* GAMEHOUSE - Games for fun.
* GAME SCENE - Take a break, relax, play a game.
* JIG ZONE - Choose a puzzle of 6 pieces to 247 pieces.
* MINICLIP - Free games and shows.
* MOFUNZONE - Free online games on the internet.
* MSN GAME ZONE - A load of games to play online.
* NABISCO WORLD FUN - Cool, fun games!
* PHAT GAMES - The source for internet gaming.
* PLAYTONIUM - The element of fun.
* PLAY THE MAZE - How steady is your hand.
* POP CAP - Free, fun, addictive web games.
* QUAD GAMES - Free action shockwave games.
* REAL ARCADE - The source for all your internet media needs.
* SESS NET - Addictive free flash games & flash movies.
* SHOCK WAVE - The most popular free online games on the web.
* SMILIE GAMES - Darts, bowling, chess, pool.
* SNOW BOWLING - It's time to roll some snow.
ULTIMATE ARCADE - Action, classic, sport games.
* WEBCHESS - Play chess against the computer.
* WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE - Online millionaire game.
* Y8 - Directory of free flash games.
~ ALFY - Kids portal playground.
~ CARRIE'S CANDIES - Safe games for kids ages 7 to 15.
~ CLASS BRAIN - Games for your brain, homework help & cool info.
~ COLORING BOOK FUN - Coloring & printable pages.
~ CRAYOLA HOME PAGE - Creativity central.
~ DLTK'S COLORING PAGES - Coloring pages to print out.
~ FISHER PRICE - Online games for infant, toddler & preschool.
~ 4KIDS TV - Games, TV shows, fun & much more.
~ FUN BRAIN - Educational games for K-8.
~ FUN SCHOOL - Free interactive games, preschool thru 6th grade.
~ KIDS COM - Kids games, chat room, and video game cheats.
~ KABOOSE - Where families get going!
~ KIDS' TURN CENTRAL - Games, coloring, jokes & much more.
~ KIDSPIRIT - The place for games, free coloring pages, contests and pokemon!
~ LOONEY TUNES - Play with your favorite looney tunes.
~ MEDDYBEMPS - Online activities for kids & their parents.
~ NICKELODEON - Games to keep kids busy.
~ NICK JR. - Come play with blue clue's, dora the explorer, backyardigans & more.
~ PAULY'S PLAYHOUSE - Games geared for the little ones.
~ PBS KIDS - Learn and play with games & activities.
~ PRIMARY GAMES - The fun place to learn!
~ SCHOLASTIC - Games & contests.
~ SESAME STREET WORKSHOP - All ages will find dozens of games and online fun.
~ SURFING THE NET WITH KIDS - Games are listed by type & topic.
~ UP TO TEN - The fun place to learn online.
~ ZEEKS - Fun & games for kids.
~ WORLDS OF DISNEY - Games for kids from disney online.