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Hello and welcome to my clan web site for Command and Conquer Games. Please feel free to look at other areas of my site and if you have any sugestions please email me so I can make my site better for you and I to look at or view. And enjoy your stay.

Most Recent website news and some news made up made by members about or related to Tiberian Sun or FireStorm, Also Red Alert 2


Maybe its time for me to work on this webpage again, or finish what I started awhile back, I know I haven't worked on it in awhile, so its probably a good time to...hahah oh well I got nothin else to do.


Ok, well I got bored, and not everyone likes frames, or I should say, it doesnt look good on some computers, so I'm changing it to tables. if you would like me to keep the frames, do tell, and I will restore it. But as of now, I am converting to tables.

Coming to a back yard near you!