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Glad you came here, this page is always growing. I'm focusing this page on Chapter II of Dragon Warrior IV. Of course this chapter isn't hard to beat but it's nice if your having trouble on it. I'm going to try to have the most information possible on Chapter II.

Hey I'm back I'll get rolling on new stuff right away if you have any suggestions just tell me on Email Icq or AIM even question you ask I can probably answer

Update 9-16-00 Well i just got my poll results on and have started writing about how to defeat the new monsters in Chapte 2...they should be on there in 2 weeks (my birthday). also please sign the guestbook, take the poll, email my, icq me, AIM me, just get in contact with me on what u want 2 see in my page. I'm really trying to make it better. Thank you.

I have made a decision and am stopping Hyperbrad's Chapter II...instead I'm restarting it as Hyperbrad's Dragon Warrior IV (November). I am now going to cover all DW4. So come bacl after it's finished

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