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MLAF races


Amazon – rerolls 40,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linewomen 6 3 3 7 Dodge 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Pass  70.000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Catchers 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Catch 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-4 Blitzers 6 3 3 7 Block, Dodge    90,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Siren 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Spellcaster Level 1, Siren Song 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces  a Linewoman

0-2 Unicorns 7 4 3 8 Sprint, Sure Feet, *Horn 160,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Blitzer

Special rules

Unicorns may never hold or handle the ball (no hands). Their horn works like Horns and Razor Sharp Fangs together.


Araby – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Bedouins 6 3 3 7 no skills 40,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 7 Pass  50,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Eunuchs 4 4 2 8 no skills 70,000 (Gen, St)

0-4 Dervishes 7 3 3 7 Frenzy, Dauntless 90,000 (Gen, Ag)

1 Sheikh 7 3 3 8 Block, Dauntless, Jump Up 120,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Muezzin 6 3 3 7 Spellcaster Level 1, Cry of Jyhad 80,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a Bedouin

0-2 Eunuchs 4 4 2 8 no skills 70,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Thrower

0-2 Dervishes 7 3 3 7 Frenzy, Dauntless 90,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Eunuch

Special rules

Araby teams MUST have a Sheikh on their roster. If he dies, the next purchase MUST be a new Sheikh. Araby teams ignore the –1 to passes in very sunny weather. Araby teams have a –1 to pickups and catches in blizzards. Araby stadiums must be located in the Southern provinces.


Bretonnian – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Man-At-Arms 6 3 3 8 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Squires 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Knights of the Realm 7 3 3 8 Nerves of Steel, Dodge 90,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Grail Knights 6 4 3 9 Block, Stand Firm 140,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Priestess 6 3 3 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Blessing 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a Man-At-Arms

0-2 Knights of the Realm 7 3 3 8 Nerves of Steel, Dodge 90,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Squire

0-2 Grail Knights 6 4 3 9 Block, Stand Firm 140,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Knight of the Realm

Special rules

Bretonnian teams may never take dirty tricks, nor may they ever foul.


Chaos – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Beastmen 6 3 3 8 Horns 60,000 (Gen, St, Phy)

0-4 Chaos Warriors 5 4 3 9 no skills 100,000 (Gen, St, Phy)

1 Chaos Champion 5 4 3 9 skill depends on deity 120,000 (Gen, St, Phy)

       Khorne grants Frenzy, Nurgle grants Foul Appearance, Slaanesh grants Hypnotic Gaze, Tzeentch grants Regeneration

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Chaos Priest 5 4 3 9 Spellcaster Level 1, Dark Initiation 200,000 (Gen, St, Phy, Magic) replaces a Chaos Warrior

0-2 Minotaurs 5 5 2 8 Horns, Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Chaos Warrior

0-2 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Chaos Warrior

0-2 Trolls 4 5 1 9 Regenerate 110,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Chaos Warrior

Special rules

Chaos teams MUST have a Champion on their roster. If he dies, the next purchase MUST be a new Champion. The new Champion may serve a new deity.


Chaos Dwarf – rerolls 50,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Hobgoblins 6 3 3 7 no skills 40,000 (Gen only)

0-6 Chaos Dwarf Blockers 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull 70,000 (Gen, St)

0-2 Bull Centaurs 6 4 2 9 Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull 150,000 (St, big guy)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Blacksmith 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Spellcaster Level 1, Rune of Fear 140,000 (Gen, St, Magic) replaces a Chaos Dwarf

0-2 Minotaurs 5 5 2 8 Horns, Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Bull Centaur

0-2 Blunderbuss 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Blunderbuss (10+) 90,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Chaos Dwarf

Special rules

No special rules for Chaos Dwarves.


Dark Elf – rerolls 50,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 6 3 4 8 no skills 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 4 8 Pass 90,000 (Gen, Ag, Pass)

0-2 Blitzers 7 3 4 8 Block 100,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Witch Elves 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up 110,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Sorceror 6 3 4 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Tormented Soul 140,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a lineman

0-2 Blitzers 7 3 4 8 Block 100,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a lineman

0-2 Witch Elves 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up 110,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a thrower

0-2 Assassins 6 3 4 8 Poisoned Dagger (10+) 90,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a lineman

Special rules

Dark Elves suffer an additional –1 to passes in very sunny weather.


Dwarf – rerolls 40,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Longbeards 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull 70,000 (Gen, St)

0-2 Runners 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull 80,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Blitzers 5 3 3 9 Block, Thick Skull 80,000 (Gen, St)

0-2 Troll Slayers 4 3 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull 90,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Runesmith 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Spellcaster Level 1, Rune of Deflection 140,000 (Gen, St, Magic) replaces a Longbeard

0-2 Blitzers 5 3 3 9 Block, Thick Skull 80,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Longbeard

0-2 Troll Slayers 4 3 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull 90,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Runner

0-2 Deathrollers 4 7 1 10 Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Multiple Block, Roller (7+), PEAKED 160,000 replaces a Blitzer

Special rules

No special rules for Dwarves.


Feline – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Purrers 6 3 3 7 Jump Up 50,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-4 Snarlers 6 3 3 8 Block, Jump Up 80,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Scurriers 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Jump Up 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Wauler 6 3 3 7 Jump Up, Spellcaster Level 1, Caterwauling 100,000 (Gen, Ag, Magic) replaces a Purrer

0-2 Slashers 6 4 3 8 Claw, Jump Up 140,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Snarler

0-2 Scurrier 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Jump Up 70,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Purrer

Special rules

If the weather is pouring rain, at each kickoff roll a d6 for each Feline player. On a 1, that player stays in the reserve box.


Goblin – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-16 Goblins 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 40,000 (Ag)

0-3 Trolls 4 5 1 9 Regeneration 110,000 (St, big guy)

Special players (max of 3)

0-1 Botcher 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Spellcaster Level 1, Evil Twin 80,000 (Ag, Magic) replaces a Goblin

0-3 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Troll

0-3 Bombardier 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Bombs (8+) 60,000 (Ag) replaces a Goblin

0-3 Chainsaws 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Chainsaw (8+) 60,000 (Ag) replaces a Goblin

0-3 Pogo Sticks 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Pogo (10+) 60,000 (Ag) replaces a Goblin

0-3 Fanatic 4 2 3 7 Ball and Chain (8+), PEAKED 60,000 replaces a Goblin

Special rules

Goblins do NOT suffer the +1 to injury rolls. They also throw passes like any other race.


Halfling – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-16 Halflings 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 30,000 (Ag)

0-2 Doll Slayers 5 2 3 6 Dauntless, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 50,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-3 Treemen 2 6 1 10 Stand Firm, Thick Skull 150,000 (St, big guy)

Special players (max of 3)

0-1 Apprentice 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Spellcaster Level 1, Shift of Power 60,000 (Ag, Magic) replaces a Halfling

0-3 Doll Slayers 5 2 3 6 Dauntless, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 50,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Halfling

0-3 Snipers 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Blowpipe (8+) 50,000 (Ag) replaces a Halfling

0-3 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Treeman

Special rules

Halflings do NOT suffer the +1 to injury rolls. They also throw passes like any other race.


High Elf – rerolls 50,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 6 3 4 8 no skills 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Phoenix Warriors 6 3 4 8 Pass 80,000 (Gen, Ag, Pass)

0-2 Lion Warriors 8 3 4 7 Catch 90,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Dragon Warriors 7 3 4 8 Block 100,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Wizard 6 3 4 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Librarian 140,000 (Gen, Ag, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Lion Warriors 8 3 4 7 Catch 90,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a lineman

0-2 Dragon Warriors 7 3 4 8 Block 100,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Phoenix Warrior

Special rules

No special rules for High Elves.


Human – rerolls 50,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 6 3 3 8 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-4 Catchers 8 2 3 7 Catch, Dodge 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-4 Blitzers 7 3 3 8 Block 90,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Mage Spellcaster Level 1, Clairvoyance 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Blitzer

0-2 Vampires 6 4 3 8 Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration 140,000 (Ag, big guy) replaces a Catcher

Special rules

No special rules for Humans.


Khemri – rerolls 70,000 apothecary not allowed

0-12 Skeletons 5 3 2 7 Regeneration 30,000 (Gen only)

0-4 Tomb Guardians 5 3 3 7 Block, Guard, Regeneration 90,000 (Gen, St)

0-2 Mummies 3 5 1 9 Mighty Blow, Regeneration 100,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Black Mage 5 3 3 7 Block, Guard, Regeneration, Spellcaster Level 1, Necromancy 180,000 (Gen, St, Magic) replaces a Tomb Guardian

0-2 Mummies 3 5 1 9 Mighty Blow, Regeneration 100,000 (Gen, St) replaces a Tomb Guardian

Special rules

Khemri ignore the effects of sweltering heat. Khemri stadiums must be located in the Southern provinces.


Lizardman – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Skinks 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty 70,000 (Gen only)

0-4 Saurus 6 4 1 9 no skills 80,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Kroxigors 5 5 1 9 Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull 110,000 (St, big guy)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Tinker 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Spellcaster Level 1, Swamp Call 140,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a Skink

0-2 Saurus 6 4 1 9 no skills 80,000 (Gen only) replaces a Skink

Special rules.

Lizardmen ignore the effects of sweltering heat, but they get –1 MA in blizzards. Lizardmen stadiums must be located in the Southern provinces.


Nippon – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Ashigaru 6 3 3 8 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Samurai 6 3 3 9 Block 80,000 (Gen, St)

0-2 Ninja 8 3 4 7 Dodge, Catch 110,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Shaolin Priest 6 3 3 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Dragon Claw 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces an Ashigaru

0-2 Shaolin Warrior Monk 6 3 3 8 Sidestep, Diving Tackle 100,000 (Gen, Ag) replaces a Thrower

Special rules.

No special rules for Nippon teams.


Norse – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 6 3 3 7 Block 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 7 Block, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-2 Catchers 6 3 3 7 Block, Catch 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-4 Blitzers 6 3 3 7 Block, Frenzy, Jump Up 90,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Ice Witch 6 3 3 7 Block, Spellcaster Level 1, Blizzard 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Snow Trolls 4 5 1 8 Block, Regeneration 120,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Blitzer

Special rules.

Norse players only fall over on a 1 in blizzards, but they are out on a 1 or 2 with sweltering heat. Norse arenas must be in the Northern provinces.


Orc – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 5 3 3 9 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Throwers 5 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass)

0-4 Black Orc Blockers 4 4 2 9 no skills 80,000 (Gen, St)

0-4 Blitzers 6 3 3 9 Block 80,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Shaman 5 3 3 9 Spellcaster Level 1, Tattoos 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Black Orc Blocker

0-2 Trolls 4 5 1 9 Regeneration 110,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Black Orc Blocker

0-2 Goblins 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 40,000 (Ag) replaces a lineman

Special rules.

No special rules for Orc teams.


Simian – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Mandrills 6 3 3 8 Sure Feet 70,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Monkeys 8 2 4 7 Dodge 70,000 (Ag)

0-4 Orangutans 6 4 3 8 Tackle 120,000 (Gen)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Screecher 6 3 3 8 Sure Feet, Spellcaster Level 1, Screech of Frenzy 140,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a Mandrill

0-2 Monkeys 8 2 4 7 Dodge 70,000 (Ag) replaces a Mandrill

0-2 Gorillas 5 4 3 9 Thick Skull 120,000 (St) replaces an Orangutan

Special rules.

Simian arenas must be in the Southern provinces.


Skaven – rerolls 60,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 7 3 3 7 no skills 50,000 (Gen, Phy)

0-2 Throwers 7 3 3 7 Sure Hands, Pass 70,000 (Gen, Pass, Phy)

0-4 Gutter Runners 9 2 4 7 Dodge 80,000 (Gen, Ag, Phy)

0-2 Storm Vermin 7 3 3 8 Block 90,000 (Gen, St, Phy)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Warper 7 3 3 7 Spellcaster Level 1, Warpfire 100,000 (Gen, Phy, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Rat Ogres 6 5 2 8 Prehensile Tail 130,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Gutter Runner

0-2 Storm Vermin 7 3 3 8 Block 90,000 (Gen, St, Phy) replaces a Thrower

Special rules.

No special rules for Skaven teams.


Skeleton – rerolls 80,000 apothecary not allowed

0-15 Skeletons 5 3 2 7 Regeneration 30,000 (Gen only)

0-1 Skeleton King 6 3 2 8 Regeneration, Spellcaster Level 1, Necromancy 100,000 (Gen, Magic)

No special players.

Special Rules.

Skeleton teams ignore the effects of sweltering heat. There must be a Skeleton King on your team. If he dies and is not regenerated, the next purchase must be a new Skeleton King. Skeleton teams can hire a NecroTech for 100k. Once after a game, the NecroTech can influence the skill roll of a skeleton. Announce his influence before the actual roll, on a normal skill, roll on the Upgrade table below, on doubles, choose an upgrade from the table. If a stat increase is rolled that is not doubles, the skeleton is destroyed and can not be regenerated. Each successful upgrade costs 20,000 gold pieces. You have to pay for it immediately, and add the 20k to the player value to make sure the TR is affected as well. The skeleton is also destroyed if you roll an upgrade it already has.

D12 Upgrade   works like...  

1   Big Hand   the mutation  

2   Big Feet   Stand Firm  

3   Claw the   mutation  

4   Extra Arms the mutation  

5   Extra Legs Sure Feet  

6   Horns the   mutation  

7   Prehensile Tail the mutation  

8   Razor Sharp Fangs the mutation  

9   Spikes the  mutation  

10  Thick Skull  the mutation  

11  Two Heads  the mutation  

12  Very Long Legs the mutation


Undead – rerolls 70,000 apothecary not allowed

0-12 Skeletons 5 3 2 7 Regeneration 30,000 (Gen only)

0-8 Zombies 4 3 2 8 Regeneration 30,000 (Gen only)

0-4 Ghouls 7 3 3 7 Dodge 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Wights 6 3 3 8 Block, Regeneration 90,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Mummies 3 5 1 9 Mighty Blow, Regeneration 100,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Black Mage 7 3 3 7 Dodge, Spellcaster Level 1, Necromancy 140.000 (Gen, Ag, Magic) replaces a Ghoul

0-2 Vampire 6 4 3 8 Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration 140.000 (Ag, big guy)  replaces a Ghoul

Special rules.

Undead ignore the effects of Sweltering Heat.


Vampire – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Human thralls 6 3 3 8 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-4 Vampires 6 4 3 8 Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration 140.000 (Ag, big guy)

1 Blood Prince 6 4 3 8 Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Kindling 200,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 1)

0-1 Blood Mage 6 3 3 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Form of Mist 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a thrall

Special Rules.

Vampire teams MUST have a Blood Prince on their roster. If he dies (and fails Regeneration), the next purchase MUST be a new Prince. Kindling = as long as the Prince is on the field ( no matter if standing or prone), all other vampires gain the Pro skill (not the human thralls). Vampires and the Blood Prince have ALL their stats reduced by 1 if the weather is very sunny. If Vampires have a home arena, it MUST be subterranean.


Were – rerolls 70,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Humans 6 3 3 8 no skills 50,000 (Gen only)

0-2 Weremonkeys 8 2 4 7 Dodge, Regeneration 90,000 (Ag)

0-4 Werewolves 6 4 3 8 Rage, Regeneration 110,000 (Gen, St)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Moon Priestess 6 3 3 8 Spellcaster Level 1, Taming the Beast 100,000 (Gen, Magic) replaces a Human

0-2 Weremonkeys 8 2 4 7 Dodge, Regeneration 90,000 (Ag) replaces a Human

0-2 Werebears 4 5 2 8 Thick Skull, Rage, Regeneration 120,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Werewolf

Special Rules.

Rage = the player may never hold the ball or try to get hold of it. If the player is standing next to a standing opponent, he MUST block him, even if the opponent is stronger. The Were coach may choose which opponent to attack if there is more than one possibility. This blocking must be the first thing done in a turn, if you perform any other action before the Rage blocking, then your team suffers an automatic turnover. EXCEPTION: For obvious reasons, you may cast the Taming the Beast-spell before checking for Rage, and Special Play Cards (such as Razzle Dazzle etc.) that can only be played at the start of your turn may be played before the Rage too.


Wood Elf – rerolls 50,000 apothecary 50,000

0-12 Linemen 7 3 4 7 no skills 70,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Throwers 7 3 4 7 Pass 90,000 (Gen, Ag, Pass)

0-4 Catchers 9 2 4 7 Catch, Dodge 90,000 (Gen, Ag)

0-2 Wardancers 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap 120,000 (Gen, Ag)

Special players (max of 2)

0-1 Druid 7 3 4 7 Spellcaster, Level 1, Roots Call 140,000 (Gen, Ag, Magic) replaces a lineman

0-2 Treemen 2 6 1 10 Stand Firm, Thick Skull 150,000 (St, big guy) replaces a Catcher

Special Rules.

No special rules for Wood Elves.


Zombie – rerolls 80,000 apothecary not allowed

0-15 Zombies 4 3 2 8 Regeneration 30,000 (Gen only)

0-1 Zombie Master 5 3 2 9 Regeneration, Spellcaster Level 1, Necromancy

No special players.

Special Rules.

Zombie teams ignore the effects of sweltering heat There must be a Zombie Master on your team. If he dies and is not regenerated, the next purchase must be a new Zombie Master. Zombie teams can hire a Mad Scientist for 100,000 gold pieces. After a game, the Mad Scientist can reanimate an opposing player who was killed and not saved during the match. The re-animated player joins the Zombie team, he keeps all his skills and Stat increases as well as his SPP. However, since he is one of the Living Dead now, reduce his MA by 2 and his AG by 1, and he gains the Regeneration skill. The re-animated player still has access to all skill classes he could choose from before his death. The player keeps his old player value, and you have to pay that amount of money before he can play for your team (mark him as MNG if you don't have the money now). There is no limit as to how many re-animated players you can have on your team. Players who already had the skill Regeneration cannot be re-animated. If you choose to re-animate an opposing spellcaster, he will lose all spells and the ability to learn spells on a skill roll. Re-animated players 'join' the Zombie race, so they ignore Sweltering Heat, but do not benefit anymore from the racial abilities of their original race. You may carry a full roster and fire a zombie to make room for a new recruit.


Big Guy Teams – rerolls 80,000 apothecary 50,000

6 - 12 Ogres 5 5 2 9 Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy)


6 - 12 Minotaurs 5 5 2 8 Horns, Thick Skull 130,000 (St, big guy)


6 - 12 Trolls 4 5 1 9 Regeneration 110,000 (St, big guy)


6 - 12 Treemans 2 6 1 10 Stand Firm, Thick Skull 150,000 (St, big guy)

Special Rules.

All players marked as Big Guys gain skills at the same rate as other players in the MLAF - so their first skill comes at 6 SPP, their second at 11 SPP and so on. Big Guys may only choose Strength skills (exception: Vampires may only choose Agility skills). Should you roll doubles for a Big Guy on a Star Player Roll, then he may only choose either from his normal skill group or from General skills. So a Treeman will never gain Jump Up, and a Vampire will never gain Mighty Blow. All players on a Big Guy team must come from the same race, only the four races below can be chosen. You may never have more than 12 (twelve) players on your BG team roster, and only 8 (eight) of them may be fielded for a kick-off. BG teams are started with 1,000,000 gps too, and they must have at least 6 (six) players at the start. BG teams may never forfeit without penalty. BG teams do not have special players or spellcasters.