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  • 'Nakamura' scenario by Simpson. 
  • 'Monkfish' scenario by Hugh Jankles.
  • Just added : Various utilities including MPEGSuite.

       Welcome to AOE2ADDICTS. This, our site, is, we feel, slightly different to many others with which you may be familiar. Here, the emphasis is not so much on introducing or describing the game, but rather on the scenario designs it is possible to create. Not only do we offer many fine scenarios and campaigns both by ourselves and other selected authors, but we aim to assist you in creating and posting up your own scenarios. With this in mind we have a selection of utilities for the discerning designer, and will even review and hopefully post any creations you may wish to send to us. 

       To further aid you in your enjoyment of this admirable game, we have created a variety of links to other sites dedicated to it. Webmasters, if your link is not on this site, and you think it should be, see the Links section on how to add a link.

This site was last updated on : 31/03/00