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This first turn for Germany is most likely the most important turn in the game. As a whole Germany has to concentrate on several things.

1 -- Englands Fleet has to be destroyed completly with the exception of the one transport in Canada. This makes England build a fleet, a costly venue, and basically offset any of their plans.

2 -- Africa!! Use the Africa Tank and Inf. to attack the English forces there. For added measure I use the transport to "bridge" another infantry from Italy. Use the battleship against the English Sub, yes its kinda crazy but most likely you'll live. Gaining the full 9 IPCs from Africa will keep you in the 40 IPCs range.

3 -- Know when to build what... The Germans should build all tanks the first turn to combat the Russian Infantry. Also by building tanks you allow greater movement in the east. Allowing you to counter any attack with a full armored assault. Building Infantry at the beginning only allows Russia to build up its Infantry, keep in mind... It takes you two turns to move your infantry to Karelia by then Russia could have 16 infantry to you 10. But you have to be careful to not overbuild on tanks or infantry. Find a mix that is good for your strategies and general rolling.

Generally people give strategies to Germany but I believe that strategies should be your own. Keeping in mind the three things above you can create your own strategy with trial and error, usually means you lose a couple of times. Yet in losing you gain the advantage of knowing your opponents opening moves and his/her general strategy. Change what needs to be changed in your strategy and play again. Keep changing it until you find something that works. When you do you will be a "seasoned" player and have your own strategy that isnt textbook.

