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About The Vulcan Empire

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It has come to my attention that we need to say more about ourselves, us being the Vulcans, originally spellt Vulkans. We are a human-like species that originated from the original Earth. From Earth, our leader, President Raven, lead us far, far into outer space in hopes of finding a new world to settle with out using force. We found our current planet, Vulcaria Prime, within 14 weeks of our voyage. Along the way, we met many strange and exciting peoples, including the Barrayans, who themselves are a forgotten humanoid race. From out new home world, we set out and colonized the many ajoining galaxis. From these galaxis, we retain vast ammounts of many metals, ores, organic matter, food, beverages, wood (space type), etc. etc. These resources allowed us to grow until we had among the highest standards of living in all of the galaxis known to beings. THese resources also made us very profitable form trade, which we enagae heavily in, as seen in our Depot. We encounteres a strange organic matter, or Matter 5 on planet *CLASSIFIED*. President Raven was in fact a part of the Marine company to find and protect this matter from the evil Dr.*CLASSIFIED* for three hours until reinforcements arrived. This matter weilds strange and powerful things to the beholder, IF they can harness the power of the matter itsself. So far, we have managed to harness the ability to adapt to inclimant weather, and the ability to stop ageing, which proves very useful, all around. We are currently using the powers to form a new type of metal that will enhance our ships hulls, which has been experimentally implemented in out Teuton XXII-Class Ships. We were savagly attacked by neighboring peoples, the Kaulkarians, as it is in Earth-speak. We fought back valiantly, but lost many. This was before we had found Matter 5, and therefore, were ill-equipped to battle this highly-evolved people. From there, we have evolved greatly into a powerful empire, member of the LoE. We are currently a Sargeant in the Gamma (Military) Company of the LoE. We serve the LoE faithfully, as nothing could tear us from the LoE.

At the present, we take pride in our large armed forces, as we have a rather large population (over 100 billion at last census) and have no trouble at finding recruits. We have many, many great facilities that constantly produce munitions, ships, adn many other goods that keep a war-machine running smoothly.