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League Of Empire's Info

The League Of Empires (LoE/LOE)

The League Of Empires strives to rid the galaxies of all forms of aggression, and try to bring about a peace for all beings. We were founded after the Flame Wars, to stop other SE3 havens for falling, as did the older ones, after the Flame Wars. We try to keep them stable, and maimtain some form of order. Our main enemy is the Choas Contingency, which has goals the opposite of our own. We shall continue to fight for good as long as our empires shall last. The fight of good versus evil will never end unless one side is completely annihilated, which doesnt happen on the SE3 Ladder.

If you are interested in joining the LOE, visit

Current LoE Ranks And Duties (Copied Directly From LoE site)

Empire, Company, Duty, Rank

Oceania Gamma Alliance Director General

Charlana Republic Alpha Company Commander Lieutenant Colonel

Ri'Chex Empire Delta E xecutive Officer Major

Terran Empire Alpha Executive Officer Major

SIMS Empire Gamma Executive Officer 2nd Lieutenant

Technologic Empire Delta Public Relations 2nd Lieutenant

Minbari Federation Delta Company Commander 2nd Lieutenant

Pacifica Epsilon Company Commander,S2 Sargeant Major

Vulcan Empire Gamma Member Sargeant

NTSP Gamma Member Sargeant

Empire of Power Epsilon Executive Officer Sareant

Draken Empire Alpha Member Private

Barryan Empire Alpha Member Private

ConFederation Gamma Member Private

Gryphon Shipyards Epsilon Member Private