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Welcome to Linus' Website!
Today's Date:

Welcome to my domain. I will post up all applications I have made for you to download. These are all freeware.

October 27, 2000

Coming soon? yah right :P
August 29th, 2000

Man... school's starting in a week and i'm still not even 1/2 way through the game. I just got back from the vacation and i'm sorta working hard at the game heh. I dunno if anyone even visits this webpage and stuff but still. I just found two websites that i think everyone should visit once a day. They are The Hunger Site and Stop The Hunger. These sites allow each computer to donate food to the hungry by the mere click of the mouse (thanx to advertisements etc.). You don't have to give anything, except the energy to click the mouse once (maybe twice). I highly suggest everyone visit these sites. Thx.
June 29th, 2000

Heya. Just released my latest horrible game. Called 24: The Card Game.... based on ... 24, the card game! Go over to the miscellaneous website to download it. If i get enough feedback on the game, I might setup a webpage with charts on times on specific cards, etc. stuff like that.
May 25th, 2000

I have no idea why i even bother to update my website when nobody visits it but anyways... Head over to the Ahkma webpage for a look at the mouse pictures for my upcoming game!
April 16th, 2000

Just to inform you, i'm still working hard on my game :O)
March 15th, 2000

I have put up a little bit of stuff on my Ahkma webpage. Feel free to check it out!
February 23rd, 2000

Just to inform you all, I'm working hard on the game with the help of Peter!
February 17th, 2000

To save space, I took out and If you want these files, just email me at
February 13th, 2000

Not many updates lately. In fact I don't think anyone visits this website. But anyways... I had a friend who asked me about how my game was going, so i said it was ok, and i sent him a picture of my game. This is a 12x14 picture. It is a picture of my map editor. This part of the map is not in my game, but is only made for your preview of how the graphics will be in the game. Enjoy. Click here for the download.
Janurary 26th, 2000

No updates lately..... Well here's an update. I have been lately working on Diabo2. Here are some info about it just in case you didn't know about it:
Hopefully you guys are just as excited about the game as I am. I am working hard on the game. So keep checking this webpage out!

Next. For the miscellaneous section. Since this game won't come out anytime soon, to take up your time, I want you guys to email some ideas for the miscellaneous section. You know, fun, small, simple games. I'll make them and post them on the internet as soon as possible. Also email me if you want to fix anything in the games. I need some feedback to be positive to fix things up. Thanx all! :O)

Janurary 18th, 2000

I have updated the high scores list for Diabo! Download v0.02 at the Diabo Webpage!
Janurary 16th, 2000

I have posted a voting booth at the miscellaneous website. Feel free to go there and vote for the best game!
I have also posted an update to Diabo! Download v1.05 at the Diabo Webpage!
Janurary 15th, 2000

I have posted a voting booth at the Diabo website. Feel free to go there and vote for my game!
Janurary 14th, 2000

I have posted three other miscellaneous games on the webpage. They are blackjack, a trick-format game, and a random number guessing game. Feel free to download them, and please sign my guestbook!
Janurary 13th, 2000

I have posted a preview of my next rpg game..... It isn't that great, but you can see the graphics for a preview. Download it here at the miscellaneous section
Janurary 12th, 2000

I have posted my v1.04 update to Diabo up on this website. Download it to fix the bugs!
I have posted my miscellaneous page up! You can download my Hit The Face game now!
I have also posted a guestbook. Sign my guestbook! It's at the bottom of the page!
Janurary 11th, 2000

I have posted my v1.03 update to Diabo up on this website. Download it to fix the bugs!
Janurary 7th, 2000

I have posted my game Diabo up on this website. Feel free to download it.

These are links to my files
Click here to access of Diabo downloads!
Click here to access the miscellaneous section!!
If you get a runtime error about a missing file, this is the place you want to go

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