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Roadways of The Ancients

D&D 3e/D20 Links

The Boneyard : A Most Excellent resource for d20 Conversions.

Post-Apocalyptic Links

Apocalyptic Post : Great Gamma E-zine. I even helped with the first issue.
Darwin's World : A New d20 P.A. RPG.
Darwin's World Images : Images from the creator of the Darwin's World RPG.
Deathlands : Awesome Fan-site for a bitchin P.A. Series of novels (not for the faint of heart).
Engel : A d20 setting wherein players take on the role of angels battling the Lord of the Flies.
Fallout Bible : A comprehensive Guide to the world of Fallout.
Fallout : Official Fallout Site.
Fallout 2 : Official Fallout 2 Site.
Into the Fallout : On-Line Bomb Shelter plans.
Kiss My Axe: Here's what happens when Mad Max meets Highlander.
Mad Max Chronology A Chronology of the Mad Max Movies.
Map a Blast : Wanna see what your home-town would look like after the Big One?
Mutazoids 3e : The upcoming d20 version of the Mutazoids RPG.
New West : Awesome site for Gamma World, Welcome to Hell Pilgrim!
Nuclear History Site : A site detailing the history of nuclear energy in the U.S.
Nuke Pop: Nukes in our Popular Culture.
octaNe : Bizarre but kinda cool Mad Maxish RPG, Ostrich Burger anyone?
Planet of the Apes. : Official site for the latest movie, but the damn ending ruined the whole movie!
Post-Apocalyptic Media : Great Resource for all things Post-Apocalyptic.
Savants : A PBEM for Darwin's World, no longer active but still cool.
Terra Primate : Cool new RPG, with a decidedly Planet of the Apes feel.
Terminator : Future Fate : Awesome d20 Modern Campaign setting.
The Bureau of Atomic Tourism : Depicts sites from across the world related to atomic stuff.
Trinity Atomic Web Site : Nuclear Weapons: History, Technology, and Consequences.
Under the Broken Moon : The Thundarr the Barbarian RPG.