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Madden Glitches

Rare Glitches (Not Yet Tested)


Equality Glitch Site (Glitch Master)
The Best Glitch & Counter Site Ever (Yellow Boy)
Glitch Counters (Anti-Glitch)
Madden Glitches (Elite Ghost)

Want to learn rare "Madden" glitches? Well, you've come to the right place. This site is designed for "Glitch-Labbing," which is a way to test out the accuracy of a glitch. Therefore, some of the glitches that are going to be listed here, aren't 100% accurate until proven to be so. Until then, send in glitches to the email address that's listed below, so that they can be posted here and tested out by "Madden" players. After the glitches have been tested, and proven to be 100% accurate, an "Official Glitch Page" will be added to the site.
