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Study Links for history

Viperdolphin, Until after Christmas, we will study Leonardo da Vinci. I want you to work on the timeline. ***Forrestmon*** we are working on Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independance. Start a timeline, decide on a topic for a project, and lets get researching.

History Links

List of links for studing Leonardo da Vinci
Thinkquest Leonard da Vinci
List of great minds (who may have influenced Leonardos thinking?)
Museum of Science
Leonardos home town
Leonardos method
Leonardo's scientific and technical observations
Leonardo's mysterious machine (fun)
What it takes to be an Inventor
Inventors tool box
Leonardo: Renaissance polymath
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci Collection (treatise on the motion and measure of water)
The secret concerns a geometric algorithm in human form.
Virtual tour of Leonardo da Vinci and his homeland.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci The man, his machines.

Forrestmon's History Assignments

Timeline Historical Documents, Link to the Declaration of Independance
View of Declaration of Independance, Links, and transcript.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
How important was Jefferson role
Interactive crossword puzzel
To form a more perfect union
Declaration of Independance Exhibit
Liberty online Thomas Jefferson
The Work of the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention
Biography of Thomas Jefferson
Biography of Thomas Jefferson
Chronicles of Revolution
Drafting the Declaration of Independance
Declaration of Independance MOVIE
The home of Thomas Jefferson
Lesson Plan
Thomas Jefferson on PBS
Thomas Jefferson Exhibits
Links for studies on Thomas Jefferson (Online Exhibits list)
Writings of Thomas Jefferson
NPS Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson, President with links

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