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Shooting Game


-- Finished cutting all the images and cleaning them from their original background.
-- Created the background rolling.


-- Made the plane move using the keyboard arrows ( i used the keypressed code instead of the on keydown because the plane can move faster and smoother when pressing two keys at the same time -- Thanks to Joseph's advice!).
-- Created the animation of the plane.


--Made the enemy planes fly randomly form top of the stage to the buttom.


-- We have used some time trying to understand parent script in order to do the bullets for the plane and enemies. We have made the bullets for our plane using the parent script but still doesn't work correctly.


-- Fixed the bullets of the main plane and added the enemies plane randomly. It has the explosions and the crashing of planes.


-- We finally made out Beta game with a simple interface. 5-24-02

--We added some ships and made it more difficult. :P Ivy & Mina.

These are the links to the Game

1) Background rolling (4/24)
2) Moving Plane with keyboard Arrows (4/26)
3) Enemy planes fly randomly (5/01)
4) Plane shoots using the space bar(still with mistakes) (5/12)
5)Plane shoots and crash with the enemies planes.(5/18)
6)Beta game
7)ship version