The Mayflower left Harwich, England September 6, 1620 with her Master and Captain, Christopher Jones. Land was sighted November 9, 1620 and they landed on the 11th in Plymouth Harbor. The Mayflower departed "Cape Cod" on April 5, 1621. Passengers: Alden John The ship's Cooper From Harwich, Essex, and Southampton, Hampshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 47 & 62 A 'hopeful young man' hired at Southampton, married Priscilla Mullens and had eleven children. 8a pg xxvii Died 1687, Duxbury. 200 Allerton Issac From St Andrews Undershaft, London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 98 Chosen assistant to the governor. 8a pg xxv Remarried to Fear Brewster after Mary died.200 Allerton Mary Norris * From Newbury, England, married in Leiden, Holland, died Feb 25 1621. Part of Pilgrims who fled to Holland. 200 Delivered stillborn son on board Dec 1620. 200 Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxv Allerton Bartholomew Son of Issac and Mary, born in Holland. 200 Married and died in England. 8a pg xxv Allerton Remember Daughter of Issac and Mary, born in Holland. 200 Married Moses Maverick in Salem, had three or four children. 8a pg xxv Allerton Mary Daughter of Issac and Mary, probably born in Holland, died Nov 28 1699. 200 Married Thomas Cushman at Plymouth, had four children. 8a pg xxv Allerton, John * No comments. 8a Died the first winter. Probably relative of Issac Allerton, buried a child in Holland. Planned on returning to Holland to escort others over. 200 Billington John First to be hung 1630, for murder of John Newcomen From London and/or Austerfield, Yorkshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Bradford & Hunter. 36 pg 106 Not from Leyden, or the Leyden Company, but from London. 8a pg xxvi From Lincolnshire 200 Billington Eleanor Wife, remarried a Gregory Armstrong. 200 Billington John Son, died in a few years, was gone before his father was hanged. 8a pg xxvi Serious troublemaker who wandered off to the Indians but 'rescued' by the Pilgrims. 200 Billington Francis Son, married and had eight children. 8a pg xxvi The son who shot off a musket inside the ship cabins. Married Widow Eaton (Francis Eaton's 3rd wife) and had nine children, both died 1684 in Middleboro. 200 Daughter Rebekah was born June 8, 1647 Plymouth 4 pg 4 Bradford, William, Gov From Scrooby, Nott, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Savage. 36 pg 133 & 185 Second governor, author of the history of the Plymouth Colony, loved to the year 1657. 8a pg xxv He had left a son in England to come afterwards - had four children by a second marriage. 8a pg xxv Bradford Dorothy (May) * Wife of William Drowned Dec 7, 1620 at Cape Cod, Providetown Harbor. 200 Died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv Brewster, Elder William Ruling Elder, lived some twenty-three or four years after his arrival. 8a pg xxiv Brewster Mary Wife Died between 1623 and 1627. 8a pg xxiv Brewster, Love Married, lived to the year 1650, had four children. 8a pg xxiv Brewster Wrestling Youngest son. 8a pg xxiv Brittenridge, Richard * First to die after landing, died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii From Prittlewell, Essex, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Pilgrim Story. 36 pg 50 Browne, Peter From Billericay, Essex, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 39 Lived fome fourteen years after, was twice married and left four children. 8a pg xxvii Died 1633. Button, William * Died Nov 6, three days before land was sighted. 200 Servant for Samuel Fuller, died on the passage. 8a pg xxv Carter, Robert * Servant to shoemaker William Mullens Died the first winter. 8a pg xxv Carver, John * From Doncaster, Yorkshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 186 Chosen first Governor at Cape Cod, died the first spring. 8a pg xxiv Carver Katherine (Leggett)(White), wife * Dies a few weeks after her husband, in early summer. 8a pg xxiv Chilton, James * From Canterbury, Kent, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 77 Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Another married daughter came afterward. Chilton Mrs * Wife, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Chilton, Mary Daughter, married and had nine children. 8a pg xxvi Clarke, Richard * Died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii Cooke Francis Lived until after 1650. His wife and children came afterward, they had 6 or more children. 8a pg xxvi Cooke John Son, married and had four children. 8a pg xxvi Cooper, Humility Cousin of Edward and Ann Tilley. Returned to England. 8a pg xxvi Crackstone, John * Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxv Crackstone John * Son, died soon after his father. 8a pg xxv Doty, Edward From St Mary le Strand, London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 102 Servant, had 7 children by second marriage. After his term of service went to Virginia. 8a pg xxvi Eaton, Francis From Bristol, Gloucestershire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 55 Had three children by a third marriage. 8a pg xxvii Eaton Sarah * Wife, died in the first winter. 8a pg xxvii Eaton Samuel Son, married, had one child. 8a pg xxvii Ely Mr. Hired hand ret to England One of the two seamen hired to remain a year, possibly why counts are off. English, Thomas * Hired hand, no comment in 8a. Fletcher, Moses * From Sandwich, Kent, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 82 Died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii Fuller, Edward * Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Fuller Mrs. Edward * Wife, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Fuller Samuel Son , married and had four children. 8a pg xxvi Fuller, Doctor Samuel From Redenhall, Norfolk, bound for Plymouth. Ref: NEGR 55/193. 36 pg 121 The physician. His wife and child remained, and came afterwards. They had two more children. 8a pg xxv Gardinar, Richard * Became a seaman and died abroad. 8a pg xxvii Goodman, John * Died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii Holbeck, William * Servant to William White Died soon after landing. 8a pg xxv Hooke, John * Servant to Issac Allerton Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxv Hopkins Stephen From Wotton Edge, Gloucestershire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 59 and from St Mary Whitechapel, London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 102 Lived over twenty years after their arrival, had a son and four daughters born in this country. 8a pg xxv Hopkins Elizabeth Fisher Wife, Lived over twenty years after their arrival, had a son and four daughters born in this country. 8a pg xxv Hopkins Giles Son by first marriage, had four children. 8a pg xxv Hopkins Constance, Daughter by first marriage, had 12 children. 8a pg xxv Hopkins Damaris Son 8a pg xxv Hopkins Oceanus Born en route 8a pg xxv Howland John From London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Bradford. 36 pg 107 Man Servant, afterwards married the daughter of John Tillie, and had ten children. 8a pg xxiv Langmore, John * Servant to Christopher Martin Died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv Latham, William A Boy, after more than twenty years, visited England anf died at the Bahama Islands. 8a pg xxiv Leister, Edward * Margesson, Edmund * Died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii Martin, Christopher * From Billericay, Essex, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 39 Died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv Martin Mary (Prower) * Wife, died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv Minter, Desire Part of Carver household, ret to her friends, in poor health, to England and died 8a pg xxiv More, Ellen * Aged 8, daughter of Katherine More, Shipton, Shropshire. Died the first winter. 200 Elinor, from Shipton, Shropshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Parish Reg. 36 pg 137 A little girl placed in the Winslow' family, sister of Richard More who died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv More Jasper * Aged 7, son of Katherine More, Shipton, Shropshire, died Dec 6, 1620 on board. 200 From Shipton, Shropshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Parish Reg. 36 pg 137 Spelled Moore, died the first season. 8a More Richard Aged 6, son of Katherine More, Shipton, Shropshire 200 From Shipton, Shropshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Parish Reg. 36 pg 137 Placed with the Brewster family. Richard married and had four or more children. 8a pg xxiv More Mary * Aged 4, daughter of Katherine More, Shipton, Shropshire 200 Placed with the Brewster family. Died the first winter. Mullens William From Stroke near Guildford, Surrey, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 170 Died the first winter. 8a pg xxv Mullens Alice * Wife, died the first winter. 8a pg xxv Mullens Priscilla, daughter Married John Alden Mullins Joseph * Son, died the first winter. 8a pg xxv Priest, Degory * From London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 104 Spelled Digerie, died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii His wife, the sister of Mr. Allerton, and her children acame afterwards. 8a pg xxvii Prower, Solomon * From Billericay, Essex, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Bradford. 36 pg 39 Servant to Christopher Martin Died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxv Rigsdale, John * Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Rigsdale Alice * Wife, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Rogers, Thomas * From Great St Bartholomew, London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 99 Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi His other children came afterward and had families. 8a pg xxvi Rogers Joseph Son, living in 1650, married and had 6 children. 8a pg xxvi Samson, Henry From St Andrews Undershaft, London, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 98 Cousin of Edward and Ann Tilley, had seven children. 8a pg xxvi Soule, George From Eckington Worcestershire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Soule Gen. 36 pg 184 Servant in Winslow's family, married and had eight children. 8a pg xxiv His will read, in a nutshell, if my son bothers my daughter, she gets everything. Standish Myles Lived to the year 1656, chief in military affairs. 8a pg xxv Had four sons living in 1650 by a second marriage. 8a pg xxv Standish Rose * Wife, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxv Story, Elias * Servant to John Winslow Died in the first sickness 8a pg xxiv Thompson, Edward * Servant to William White Died soon after landing. 8a pg xxv Tilley, Edward * Tillie, died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxvi Tilley Ann (Cooper) * Wife, died soon after their arrival. 8a pg xxvi Tilley John * Brother to Edward Died soon after he came on shore. 8a pg xxvi Tilley Joan Hurst Rogers * Wife, died soon after she came on shore. 8a pg xxvi Tilley Elizabeth Daughter. married John Howland. 8a pg xxvi Tinker, Thomas * Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Tinker Mrs. Thomas * Wife, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Tinker son * Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Trevore, William Hired shipman ret to England One of the two seamen hired to stay a year, possibly why the counts are off. 8a pg xxvii Turner, John * From Doncaster, Yorkshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 186 Died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi A daughter came afterward to Salem and married there. 8a pg xxvi Turner * Son, name unknown, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Turner * Son, name unknown, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxvi Richard Warren From Shoreditch, S Leonard, Middlesex, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Morton. 36 pg 111 His wife and five daughters were left, and came over afterwards. They also had two sons, the daughters married here. 8a pg xxvi White, William * From Beaminster, Dorsetshire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 30 Died soon after landing. 8a pg xxv White Susanna Wife m2 Edward Winslow White Resolved Son, married and had five children 8a pg xxv White, Peregrine Son, born Dec on board (at Cape Cod after landing) married and had 2 children before 1650. 8a pg xxv Wilder, Roger * Servant to John Carver Man servant, died in the first sickness. 8a pg xxiv Williams, Thomas * Died from sickness. 8a pg xxvii Winslow, Edward From Droitwich Worcestershire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Savage. 36 pg 184 Afterward chosen governor, died in 1655, when on a commission to the West Indies. Left two children by second marriage. 8a pg xxiv Winslow Elizabeth (Barker) * Wife Died the first winter. 8a pg xxiv Winslow, Gilbert Ret to England, died there (From Droitwich Worcestershire, bound for Plymouth. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 184 After living here a number of years, returned to England. 8a pg xxvii Dorothy, maidservant of John Carver ? Captain Christopher Jones, Master, partial owner of the ship John Clarke, first mate or first officer (later received land assignment in Virginia, going there in 1623) Robert Coppin, a mate Giles Heale, Surgeon Jones was buried March 5, 1621/2, at Rotherhithe, Surrey, England, his birthplace. Both Clarke and Coppin had been in America before. William Trevore was a hired hand, who left on the Fortune on December 13, 1621 and later mastered the William. Total of 102 passengers * 54 died on board, immediately after, during the first sickness and/or winter, or within the first year 45 remained and survived.