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Welcome to the cyber home of The Lay Dominicans of the Holy Cross.  

As Dominicans, we are called to holy preaching according to our state of life.  As lay men and women living  the Rule of St. Dominic, we continually seek to bring the light of Christ into the world.

We've updated the site recently to reflect our past achievements and our current projects.


 All Things Dominican Fundraiser

Each year our group sponsors a variety of apostolates to assist the poor and disenfranchised in our community.  Our "All Things Dominican" fundraiser will help provide funds to cover production costs.  

This is a great opportunity for you to express your Dominican identity!

We have made arrangements with a local manufacturer to provide Dominican name badges, bookmarks, and key chains at a great price! We've added new items for the new year! These make excellent  gifts for yourself and your Dominican family and friends!  Click here to find out more about this project.  

All Things Dominican Research Project

Our ongoing research project to locate and catalog items of Dominican interest is still a current project for our group.  Click here to find out more about this project.