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PickHut's Sprite Rips

Welcome to my sprite rips site, as you can see it's still very much under construction.

You may take any sprite from this site and do whatever you want with them, just as long as you give credit or/and a link to this site.


-Gameboy/Color Sprites-
-GEN/MD Sprites-
-SNES/SFS Sprites-
-NES/Famicom Sprites-

Current Sprite Total: 665


11/29/03: Ack! I know I said in the last update that I would put up some new sprite rips by the end of the year, but I can't. I'm too busy and just don't have the time, I'm sorry. See ya.

8/29/03: Yeah....this site has been dead for the last 7 months. I've been busy with my comic site and everything else that I haven't had the time to sprite rip and put them on the site (it takes alot of time and effort). You won't likely to see an update until sometime at the end of this year, see ya.

-12/16/02: Site created.

All videogame characters seen on this site are copyright and trademarks of their respective companies.