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Xiao Xiao

Xiao Xiao 1: The movie that started it all. It was converted to flash.

Xiao Xiao 2: A game where you have to stop the bar at its hight.

Xiao Xiao 3: My favorite flash movie of all time.

Xiao Xiao 4: A game where you have to shoot the stick figures before they shoot you.

Xiao Xiao 5: The sticks in this movie fight even after death.

Xiao Xiao 6: A game that requires pushing spacebar a lot.

Xiao Xiao 7: The first of a 3D movie trilogy.

Xiao Xiao 8: The second of a 3D movie trilogy.

Xiao Xiao 9: A game kind of like double dragon.

Xiao Xiao Advertisement: An advertisement for a plaza in Japan.