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This Quiz is about "The North vs The South".

The answers have been researched and have finally become accepted by educated historians from the North and from the South. See the references at the end.

Question: The leading cause of the Civil War was: 

A. Election of Abraham Lincoln
B. Slavery
C. Rights of individual States
D. Taxes

Answer: C and D

The southern states were increasingly burdened with taxes on imports coming into southern  ports. When President Buchanan imposed the highest tariff to date and the incoming President Lincoln was planning to increase it, the Southern States threatened Secession and began taking control of the ports to establish free trade with European countries. Forts that had been established to protect these ports (such as
Fort Sumter , SC ) were then used by Lincoln to collect taxes on supply ships and protect northern manufacturers from having to pay the Southern States for supplies.

Q: Which U.S. President promised in campaign speeches and his inaugural address to protect the slave trade and enforce laws that required non slave states to return slaves to their owners?

A. George Washington
B. Bill Clinton
C. Ulysses S. Grant
D. Abraham Lincoln

Answer: D

Lincoln was willing to let the slave issue remain an ind
ividual decision for the states (one of the only rights he gave the states). The thought of freeing the slaves was not even mentioned until over a year into the Civil War when Lincoln needed an excuse to continue the invasion of the South. Several other politicians and activists opposed to slavery convinced Lincoln to free the slaves in order to make the destruction of the South a "moral issue" and to punish the South for Secession.

Question: Which army first attacked the other?

A. Union
B. Confederate

Answer: A.

Lincoln made the decision to send union troops into Manassas , Virginia in July 1861, following six months of peaceful secession by the Confederate States. It was also a full three months after the Confederate Army’s shot at Fort Sumter supposedly "started" the war. Most people believe the single cannon shot at Fort Sumter  was the first aggression, however that is explained in the next question.   

Question: The "first shot" of the War fired from
Fort Sumter hit what?   

A. A union ship
B. Union soldiers
C. Nothing
D. Civilian boats

Answer: C.

The shot was intentionally fired over the bow of a union ship as a warning shot.
Lincoln advised the Confederate leaders that the ship was carrying supplies for union soldiers still remaining on the Fort. When it was learned that military personnel were hiding below deck (presumably to take back control of the Fort), the Confederate Army was ordered to fire the shot.

Question: President Lincoln’s first choice for leading the union army was:

A. William Tecumseh Sherman
B. Robert E. Lee
C. Ulysses S. Grant
D. Adolph Hitler

Answer: B.   

When Lincoln approached Lee about the job, Lee gave one of his most memorable replies. In effect, he told
Lincoln that he refused to be a part of the aggression that Lincoln was planning toward the Southern States and Lee’s home state of Virginia . Lee was adamant that the Confederate States had the Constitutional right to peacefully withdraw from the Union . As you will see in the next question, he was not alone in that belief. Also, Lee was apparently smarter than Lincoln thought, as he warned the President of the grave human and societal damage that would take place in a war with the South.   

Question: Why did northern armies suffer various defeats at the beginning of the war?

Lincoln had trouble finding adequate numbers of properly trained armies in the north. When he enlisted the aid of the Border States such as Missouri , Kentucky and Maryland , he was advised by those States’ leaders that they would offer no troops to aid in the aggression toward the Confederate States.

Question: The percentage of Confederate soldiers that came from slave holding families is estimated at: 

A. 30%
B. 50%
C. 70%
D. 90%

Answer: A.

While hard to determine in census figures from so long ago, a conservative estimate shows that very few Confederate soldiers came from families wealthy enough to own slaves.   

True or False: Very few African Americans fought with the Confederate Army.

Answer: False.

Conservative estimates state that as many as 50,000 black Confederate Soldiers fought alongside white soldiers from
Atlanta to Virginia . Many of them even fought alongside their "masters" and cared for them when they were wounded. Even more blacks were essential in aiding the Confederate armies in various support roles and many defended their owners’ homes to the death when General Sherman and northern armies began their destruction of the South.

Question: The first
U.S. state to force blacks to fight in the war was: 

A. South
B. Georgia
C. Virginia
New York

Answer: D.

The state of 
New York passed a law requiring all free black men to enlist in the union army or be jailed. This was supported by President Lincoln as the states right and is often viewed as a predecessor to the military’s draft.

Question: The actions of union armies during General Sherman’s "March to the Sea" in 1964 could have been (and still are) considered what?

A. Justifiable, as a means to end the war.
B. Punishment for the South.
C. The costs of waging war.
D. War crimes.

Answer: D.

The destruction of civilian property (homes and businesses) and the killing of non-combatants was considered inhumane even in the 1860’s wartime. Several treaties signed by other countries had denounced the practice long before the Civil War. Even during the American Revolution,
U.S. leaders ordered that any British Generals that had engaged in such practices should be put to death if captured.   

Question:  At the end of the war, the most successful and well-educated blacks engaged in what type of work?

A. Northern industry
B. Military service
C. Servants and sharecroppers in the South
D. Professional athletes

Answer: C.

The majority of freed slaves had nothing. When they traveled north, they were rejected because they had little education and no training in manufacturing. Many that stayed with white families in the South continued to receive medical attention, some education and even a parcel of land to farm. Even though the complete civil rights movement did not come until almost one hundred years later, southern white families began to view their black servants as "free to pursue their own endeavors".

Question: Confederate President Jefferson Davis was imprisoned for two years following the Civil War. He was charged with what crime?   

A. Treason
B. Murder
C. Conspiracy
D. None of the above

Answer: D.

After imprisoning
Davis , the U.S. Congress could not find any article to charge him with a crime.

Question: Union General Ulysses S. Grant went on to become President. His term in office was most noted for what?

A. Sex with an intern
B. Corruption
C. Strong military buildup
D. reconstruction of the South

Answer: B.   

He was one of the first Presidents that would be considered for impeachment. Another union General, William T. Sherman, was asked if he would do his country a service and run for President.
Sherman replied, "If asked, I will not volunteer. If elected, I will not serve".

True or False: Confederate General Nathaniel Bedford Forrest organized the Ku Klux Klan as a violent organization to keep blacks in their place?

Answer: False.

The well regarded General organized community leaders that still believed in the rights of Southern States to insure that actions by the union government and businessmen (carpetbaggers) during reconstruction were just. Forrest abandoned the organization and criticized it when it resorted to violence.



"The Civil War" by Ken Burns (documentary for PBS)

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Richard Rollins (Southern Heritage Press)

The American Civil War Homepage by Dr. George H. Hoemann (;civil-war/)

"When in the course of human events" by Charles Adams (Rowman and Littlefield Publishing)

Over 3.5 million soldiers fought during the War Between the States. Over 620,000 died. Many others would be wounded or maimed for life. This tragic human event was more than likely caused by faults from both sides.  I have often heard that the victors write the history of conflict, and I believe that this is what has happened in the case of the North vs. the South. I refuse, however, to forget the Southern values and way of life that so many Confederate soldiers were willing to die for. Just as veterans of WWI and WWII fought the unjust acts of aggression by
Germany and Japan , the soldiers of the Southern States were resisting what they believed was unjust treatment from the union government. The Confederacy even rejected the notion of fighting with the North until they were attacked. The next two generations of Southerners would continue to refer to the conflict as "The War of Northern Aggression" and not the sugar coated term Civil War.

"Every one should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope it may find a place in history and descend to posterity. History is not the relation of campaigns, and battles, and generals or other individuals, but that which shows the principles for which the South contended and which justified her struggle for those principles."   
  --General Robert E. Lee


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