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First name: ____________ Middle: __________ Last: _____________
-Date: __/__/2003   -Current Time: ___:___ __:M

-Birthday: __/__/__  Current age: ___ Sex:   Male    Female
Where you live now:

            -State: GA   -Zip Code: ________   -School: _____________ -Grade: ___
            -Address: ___________

            -Home Number: (___)___-____      -Cell Phone: (___)___-____

-NK Name: ___________ -Eye color: _______ -Hair Color: _______   -Height: ___‘___” –Weight______ lbs.   -Glasses/contacts: _______   -Braces: _____ -Shoe size: ________ 
-Siblings: #____  -Names:___________________________


            School stuff:

Classes that you like: _____________________________________________________

Classes that you hate: _____________________________________________________
Clubs you’re in: _________________________________________________________ 

Tutoring or lesions for anything (A+, Kumon): ________________________________

Personal stuff:

Current crush/boy/girlfriend: _______________           Are you a virgin:      Yes         No

Hobbies: ________________________________________________________________

Interests: ________________________________________________________________


            -food: _______________                             -drink: _______________

            -movie: _______________               -song: _______________

            -clothing store: __________             -candy: ______________

            -TV Show: _____________             -magazine: ____________

            -gum: _________________              -cologne/perfume/deodorant: _____________

            -shoe: _________________             -singer/band: _______________

            -fast-food: _____________              -sport:________________

            -place to go: ____________             -thing to do: _____________


            -time you went out & where: __________________________________________

            -time you went out w/ NK & where: ____________________________________

            -person you talked to in person: ______  What did you talk about:_____________

            -thing you ate:________________  -movie you saw: _______________________

            -book you read: ______________  -TV show you saw: _____________________


            -crush: __________    -CD in your CD player: ____________

            -cloths your wearing: ________________________________________________

            -time: __:__ _.M. -smell you smell:___________ -taste in your mouth: ________

            -mood: ___________________________________________________________

What do you think of when you hear the word “water”: ___________________________

What about “banana”: ___________________ Pelvis: ____________________________

Sack: ___________________________  Peanut: ________________________________

Milk: ____________________________ Rubber: _______________________________

Long: ___________________________  Massage Oil:____________________________

Best memory with NK: ____________________________________________________




Worst memory with NK: ___________________________________________________



Things you like about each NK member (not including yourself):
















Things you like about each NK member (not including yourself):

















-One thing you’d change about each NK member:

            -Chris: ___________________   -Jt: _______________________

            -Justine: ___________________ -Kevin: ___________________

                                    -Macy: _____________________


Have you ever:

            -drank:                                                                                     Yes      No

            -killed anyone:                                                                        Yes      No

            -done any sort of drugs:                                                           Yes      No

            -gotten into a fist fight:                                                            Yes      No

            -kissed anyone:                                                                       Yes      No

            -smoked:                                                                                 Yes      No

            -watch porn:                                                                            Yes      No

Do you

-like kicking people where it hurts the most:                         Yes      No

                                                -Who and why: ___________________________________

            -play an instrument:                                                                 Yes      No

                                                -What: _________________________________________

            -have a pet:                                                                             Yes      No

                                                -What: _________________________________________

            -wear make-up:                                                                       Yes      No

                                                -What: _________________________________________

            -like men:                                                                                Yes      No

            -like women:                                                                           Yes      No

            -like both:                                                                                Yes      No

            -like to watch TV:                                                                   Yes      No

            -like to watch movies:                                                             Yes      No

            -like bananas:                                                                          Yes      No

            -like the smell of gasoline:                                                      Yes      No

            -like staying home:                                                                  Yes      No

            -like sleeping:                                                                         Yes      No

            -like hanging out:                                                                     Yes      No

What do you:

            -like about yourself: _________________________________________________

            -hate about yourself: ________________________________________________

-think about school: _________________ -scared of the most: _______________

            -want for your birthday: ______________________________________________

            -need the most to survive: ____________________________________________
Craziest/ stupidest thing you’ve ever done: _____________________________________

Any phobias: ____________________________________________________________

Are you pissed at anyone right now: __________________________________________

What are you thinking of now: ______________________________________________




What do you want to be when you grow up: ____________________________________

Where do you want to live when you grow up: __________________________________

What crazy stuff do you want to do when you grow up: ___________________________

What do you want to remember in 20 years: ____________________________________


For Guys:


Which do you prefer: (circle)

-        Boxers or Briefs (on you)                         -   Thong or Granny pants

-        Cloths: more or less                                  -   Hairy or shaved legs

-        Lots of make up or barely any                   -   Tall or short girl

-        Pink or orange                                           -   Coke  or Pepsi products


Rank: What you look for most in a girl’s body (1-most – 12 least)


Eyes: ____ Hair: ____  Legs: ____  Smile: ____

Butt: ____  Smell: ____  Hands: ____  Teeth: ____

Feet: ____  Abs: ____  Hips: ____  Breast: ____


            What you look for most in a girl’s personality (1-most – 12 least)


Sweetness: ____  Naughtiness: ____  Friendliness: ____  Athletic ability: ____

Sense of humor: ____  Caring: ____  Book smarts: ____  Common sense: ____

Sexiness: ____


Five Celebrities you’d bone: 1: ____________________  2: ____________________ 

3: ___________________  4: ____________________  5: ____________________


For Girls:


Which do you prefer: (circle)

-        Boxers or Briefs                                        -   Thong or Granny pants

-        Cloths: more or less                                  -   Hairy or shaved legs

-        Lots of make up or barely any                   -   Tall or short guys

-        Pink or orange                                           -   Coke  or Pepsi products


Rank: What you look for most in a girl’s body (1-most – 12 least)


Eyes: ____ Hair: ____  Legs: ____  Smile: ____

Butt: ____  Smell: ____  Hands: ____  Teeth: ____

Feet: ____  Abs: ____  Hips: ____  Chest: ____


            What you look for most in a girl’s personality (1-most – 12 least)


Sweetness: ____  Naughtiness: ____  Friendliness: ____  Athletic ability: ____

Sense of humor: ____  Caring: ____  Book smarts: ____  Common sense: ____

Sensitivity: ____ Romantic: ____


Five Celebrities you’d marry: 1: ____________________  2: ____________________ 

3: ___________________  4: ____________________  5: ____________________