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                    Elkhorn Garden Club
                                                                     June 2003 Newsletter #1

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         Club meets second  Saturday of every month starting in July.  Time of Meeting varies.

June 1st, 2003:  Aromas Country Garden Tour w/ Artist in the Garden
                       This is a wonderful event, beautiful gardens, interesting people & Art
                       Show. Plus it's close to home.
                       Starts at 10:00 – 4:00 PM
                       Meet Garden Club members in front of the:
                       Aromas Grange – 4 –H market place [ Jams. Soaps, & Plant Sale]
                       Time: At 10:00 am to take the tour as a group. The tour takes 2-3
                       Garden Tour Map is $10.00- donations benefit the local Art Programs.
                       Tour info number: 831-726-7183
                       Bring a digital Camera for our web site.

June 7th: Plant Swap and Potluck Luncheon !
                Location: Royal Oaks Park.
                Time: 1:00- 3:00 pm
                Directions: From Prunedale: Take San Miguel Canyon Rd. to Echo Valley Rd.
                                                               Turn East. Just past the elementary School, turn
                                                               left up the hill on Maher Rd. follow Maher Rd. for
                                                               about mile until you see the park on your right.
                                                               There is a $5.00 per vehicle entry fee at the gate.
                Plant Swap:  This is an opportunity to share your favorite plants or those you
                                    want to give away. This also enables you to select other plants that are
                                    brought by others for free. Bring small plants in pots, large plants
                                    in pots, bare roots, seeds, bulbs, cuttings & plant catalogs- etc.
               Bring a digital camera for our web site.
               More information: contact Kat DeDontney  -Her Email:

                                             Gardening Tips for June

BULBS ON SALE:  To get the best prices, order your fall bulbs during
                             pre season catalog bulb sales, starting now and lasting until
PLANTING:  FLOWERS FOR CUTTING. Long-blooming perennials provide a good
                             source of cut flowers. Try alstroemeria, coreopsis, gaillardia,
                             gloriosa daisy, lavender, Limonium perezii, Mexican sunflower,
                             purple coneflower, scabiosa, Shasta daisy, and yarrow (Achillea).
 Seeds to plant: you can throw seed on the ground and have flowers this summer.
                               Some easy suggestions: Calif. Poppies, Cosmos, Sunflower seeds[ put
                               under ground as the package suggest. Zinnias, and Verbascums.
 PLANT FOR PERMANENCE: Now is a good time to plant almost any
                             perennial, shrub, tree, or vine  When shopping at the nursery, look
                             for plants that have good leaf color (green leaves should be a deep
                             green, not pale and yellowish) and attractive form. Check container
                             bottoms to make sure roots aren't growing out of them (which may
                            mean plants are rootbound). Plants should also be well watered.
  VEGETABLES:  It's not too late to set out plants of cucumber,
                             eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and squash. For pumpkins by
                             Halloween, buy 4 “ plants or larger.
                             ( or 408/929-7333).
  WATERMELON:  Summer's favorite melon is healthier than you may
                             think. USDA researchers found that it contains on average about
                             40 percent more lycopene (an antioxidant associated with reduced
                             risk of certain cancers) than raw tomatoes. It's also fat free and
                             contains vitamins A, B6, C, and thiamin. The best indicator of a
                             nutritious watermelon is red, ripe flesh. Seedless watermelons tend
                             to contain more lycopene than seeded varieties. Though not
                             specifically tested for lycopene content. Buy 4” potted plants or
 MAINTENANCE: LAWNS. If your lawn gets a lot of use and has
                             compacted soil, aerate it to help improve air and water movement
                             to the roots. You can rent an aerator from an equipment supply
                             store. Rake up the cores and top-dress with mulch. If you
                             haven't fertilized recently, apply a lawn fertilizer and water in well.
 PLANT CORN  : Corn plants carry both male and female flowers.
                            The male flowers are at the top of the plant; the female flowers form the
                            silk that hangs out of the developing ears. For ears to produce a full set
                            of  kernels, wind must distribute pollen to all of them. To ensure good
                            pollination, plant corn in blocks of no fewer than 16 plants (four
                            rows of four plants). Plant seeds at least 12 inches apart in rows
                            spaced 3 feet apart.

                                                         Club organization

We are looking for volunteer suggestions for  the following upcoming meeting:                                                           July 12, 2003
                                                                       Aug 9, 2003
                                                                       Sept 13, 2003
                                                                       Oct 11,2003
                                                                       Nov. 8, 2003
                                                                       Dec 13, 2003
* I'm suggesting that Dec. 13th should be a Christmas Holiday Theme

 [ also, mark your calendar for these dates reserved so you are available to join us]

Sponsor a Meeting!
If you would like to sponsor a meeting on your property or have a great suggestion for an outing or event.  Contact Colleen Goff by email:

Who is in the club?
About 22 women have signed up their names as having interest, plus we have had several men show some interest. They haven’t signed up but are definitely welcome to come to all meetings.

Minutes:  So far we have had 2 meetings where we have discussed having dues.
                   An amount has not been decided on. But if everyone put in 15.00 in for
                   the year. It gives enough money to put out the newsletter and pay for small
                   fees. So far, Colleen has paid for the library room and the first
                   News letter. If no one wants to pay dues, we could set up the newsletter to
                   come by email only.
                  We have talked about volunteering to take over a community garden
                   somewhere. We need suggestions for this.
                  We talked about having a garden home tour next summer, Organized tours of
                  Commercial gardens, Trips to places like Hakone Gardens, Filoli, Bonfante
                  Gardens, flower shows, plant exchanges and sales, talks by local experts
                   And /or professionals in the industry.
                   Please help: We need a list of gardening events [even those scheduled not on
                                        the monthly meeting date] gardening articles, ideas,
                                        speakers and suggestions to be submitted to the newsletter for
                   Email this information to Colleen at :

Send your email address to Colleen :
This is so we can do mass communications without someone having to call everyone.

Directory: Let us know if you do not want your name in the directory. It will be
               sent out in the July Newsletter otherwise. for print. You can be removed
               from the garden club listing at anytime.

Volunteers: We need people to get involved to keep this gardening club going.
                 We need a treasurer. This is someone who plans to come to every.
                 Someone who can organize the monthly calendar of meetings and events.
                 Someone to organize the garden tour for next summer.
                 We need many individuals to each take a meeting date for their own
                 personal garden and sponsor or organize an outing other than the monthly
                 meeting date.