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Coach Pearre's Webpage

Political Systems           Economics      Meet the Teacher         Miscellaneous


                 Greetings to my students and their parents. This webpage was created to provide a link between my classroom and you. I intend to use this page to provide up-to-date assignments and deadlines for the entire year, as well as a place for additional resources and materials. While at first it is not a requirement that you check here, it may become one, so please check this site for any updated information. I look forward to working with everyone so that this year will be one of the most successful ever. Please try to understand that this is currently a work in progress.


If at anytime you have a question for me please feel free to contact me via email .



My Mission...

... is to help my students realize their potential and achieve it. To do this I will instill in each student the desire and strength to recognize their capabilities and maximize them. I will treat every student with respect and will demand the same from them. My classroom environment will call for my students to be able to critically think on both an individual and collaborative level. I will push them and challenge them to learn from their successes and their failures. I will be the support that picks them up when they struggle and cheers them on as they succeed. My enthusiasm for teaching will be displayed by the way I teach and the energy I put forth. My job is to teach students a given curriculum, but as part of that I feel that it is my responsibility to prepare them for life outside of school.     









Last Updated 12/10/05  Copyright 2005, Travis Pearre. All Rights Reserved.