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The NASA SHARP PLUS Program is a research-based program that was initiated in 1993. The QEM Network conducts it for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This program is an eight-week residential program for high school students, which began June 11, 2000 and ended August 4, 2000.

10 major colleges and universities host the SHARP PLUS Program. The students live on the 
institutions' campuses (20 at each site) and work with researchers/mentors at nearby industrial sites 
or in research laboratories at the institution. The ten hosting sites of the 2000 SHARP PLUS program are: 

California State University at Los Angeles  
Cornell University  
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Hampton University  
Jackson State University 
North Carolina A&T State University  
Southern University at Baton Rouge  
University of Michigan  
University of New Mexico  
University of Wisconsin-Madison 

college/university host sites are institutions with a demonstrated commitment to high 
quality math, science and engineering education for all students. A SHARP PLUS faculty coordinator and his/her staff provide coordination and supervision at each college/university site. 

To increase the participation and success rates of students who are underrepresented in 
mathematics and science pre-college courses, with the intent of increasing their participation and 
success in mathematics and science, thereby increasing the pool of such students as mathematics, 
science, and engineering majors in college and, hence, their representation among prospective 
science and engineering professionals available for the workplace.  

SHARP PLUS aims to establish individual working relationships between students and active 
researchers in aerospace-related fields, and to strengthen the nation's and the government's efforts to 
recruit and sustain underrepresented students in science and engineering fields. The Program offers 
aerospace-focused researchers and other science and engineering professionals the opportunity to 
serve as mentors to such students (16 years of age or older) who are rising eleventh and twelfth 
graders with interest and potential in science and engineering. 

Student applicants are identified in a variety of ways, including self-identification. For consideration in  
this program, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen and must meet each of the following criteria:  
  • Be at least 16 years of age and have completed at least the 10th grade by the start of the Program.  
  • Be currently enrolled and returning to high school in the Fall as a junior or senior.  
  • Have completed at least one semester of algebra and geometry, and at least one year of  

  • biology, chemistry, or physics with a grade of B or better in each course.  
  • Speak and write English at a level that does not require significant assistance.  
  • Be willing to participate in a formal interview and to submit a completed "condition of health" questionnaire, if chosen as a finalist, as part of the evaluation process.  
  • Have a significant/demonstrated interest in pursuing a science- or engineering-related career.  
  • Be committed to full participation throughout the eight weeks of the Program.  

 A complete application, to be mailed as a single package, must contain the following:  

 1.    A completed application form, with responses to each item  

 2.    A current transcript that includes grades in courses required for eligibility (unofficial photocopies         are acceptable)  

 3.    A 300-word, typed or legibly written, essay describing:  
           Personal expectations from the Program  
           Career and research interests  
           How participation in the Program will add to your personal and academic development  

 4.    Two completed recommendation forms, at least one of which must be from a current mathematics         or science teacher