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Picture Gallery

Here are some pictures of Irish Twins
Thanks to the Mommies that submitted pictures!

Here is a picture of my boys taken Christmas 2003. Matthew is born 4/5/99 and PJ is born 1/19/00. They are 9-1/2 months apart.

Here is a picture submitted by Danielle Tassin ( of Louisiana of her cuties. Alexander was born on 4/28/00 and Cameron was born on 3/28/01. They are 11 months apart in age.

Here is a picture submitted by Anne Tapp ( of her cuties. Sarah is 16 months and Emma is 5 months old in this photo. They are 11 months apart in age.

Here is a picture submitted by Casey in Upstate New York ( is born 2/21/00 & Rhiannon is born 12/19/00. They are 10 months apart. Casey would love to hear from other Irish Twin Mommies especially ones that have Millennium babies.

Let's go check out page 2 of the Picture Gallery!