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Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are some of the advantages of having Irish Twins

1. You get having children over and out of the way fast if you plan on having 2.

2. They will be each other’s playmate.

3. Your second child will probably advance quicker by watching the older one.

4. People in public will want to come over and talk to you about the babies: example how old they are, how did that happen?, how cute they are. This can be a slight disadvantage when you want to get some shopping done but go with it because you are going to be asked about them for the rest of your life.

Here are some of the disadvantages of having Irish Twins

1. Having the babies back to back puts a HUGE strain on your body. If you are prone to having preterm labor you will get it again no matter how careful you are. PJ was born 7 weeks early because my body just gave out after a while. Being pregnant for 16 months will do that.

2. You tend to be VERY tired from taking care of your first baby all day and carrying the baby that you have inside of you.

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