TOYS FOR TOTS 2001 - the christmas holidays have come and gone for 2001, and the atlanta KAG ships, along with the GA501st stormtroopers, have completed their contributions to the tft 2001 drive! the last count the north atlanta ships collected more than 4000 toy donations and more than $1300, and have help give motivation to the general population for even more than is known at this time. in the end, more than 220,000 toy donations were collected and distributed to more than 100,000 families. not bad during a recession and war...
pictures will also be posted soon...
it was a good day to putt putt, tho it could have been 10 degrees colder for conforts sake. but we played well anyway, and collected more than 70 canned goods. unfortunately, the ryan's was closed for renovations, so we invaded fuddruckers instead. they liked us a lot, and wanted us to return! the star trek and star wars groups final group averages were .8 in difference! the 2 lowest under par scores were exactly the same - mary from the nemesis and john from the 501st.
look [HERE] for some pics.
TFT KICKOFF EVENT, 5 NOVEMBER - members of the nemesis and fury were present for the toys for tots kickoff event. it took place during rush hour which made it a challenge to get there. it was held at an arby's in douglasville, west of Six Flags. santa arrived on a fire engine, and brought the first toys to be given out to some orphan children. the local atlanta marine corps commandant was present to give an opening speech. the event lasted about 1 hour, and finished well.
kevin, suzanne, chris, and jamie from the nemesis worked part time during this year's netherworld. there were only 2 houses this time - buried alive and planet X in 3D, but both were plenty good and scary! also, actress linda blair showed up for a weekend and did a book signing campaign! unfortunately, kevin's injury prevented him from participating more, and jamie was mobilized in the national guard. we all wish jamie glorious duty and a safe return. also, we missed the wrap party because it was on the same day as the putt putt challenge. maybe next year...
BROKEN WHILE SPINNING - thought col kevin broke his ankle while at work in the second week of october, while working on a scaffold or shelf. and he didnt just break it, he went 100% and really broke it. he is now the latest crewmember to have steel implants (pins and rods), and also a nice sky blue nylon mesh cast, which we all had an opportunity to 'sign'(can you say graffity?) at this past october crew meeting. above is a sample of the signing. the running joke has already become that he broke it 'while spinning tooo much' during that star trek commercial. he has to wear it for quite some time, then go thru therapy. all wish him and challenge him to recover, so he can once again put on his klingon costume!
1st week of october - THOUGHT COL KEVIN (AMAR KOLTH) AND STEVE Y. (QIBTAJ) ON TV! - during TNN's TNG marathon of the first week of october, a 30 second commercial spot was shown of kevin and steve, from interviews taken during vulcon atlanta 2001. the spot was entertaining and funny, to say the least! THANKS TO [TNN] FOR GIVING OUR COMMANDER HIS 30 SECONDS OF FAME, AND 30 SECONDS OF FUN FOR THE REST OF US! for a short time, you too can get a copy of the commercial [HERE]
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some of the local atlanta KAG members attended this event. great tales are to come...
there are some pics posted of it on the rogue phoenix's web page, thanks to shaughn. go [HERE] to see them.
ATTENDEES - according to brenda t. of the dc committee, about 20,000 attendees were at dc2001, which was as expected. definitely enough to make it the human/alien zoo that we all expected it to be ;)
CON SUITE - the con suite was quite good, giving us an improvised and varied array of food, drink, entertainment, and accomodations! thanks to the feddies for allabama and dragon con for that free support.
CEREMONIES - longer than expected, but with many twists and turns. many were promoted, honored, and challenged. robert p. refused to accept the KAG klingon of the year award for his effort in post auto accident recovery, and challenged kolex to bestow it to his spouse mary, who supported him so well during that time. the crew of the honor's blade committed ritual dissention concerning the promotion of their commanding officer, stating that she nor the ship was yet ready for the added responsibility it looked like something out of a star trek episode on TV!
EWOK ATTACK (teddy bear pelting on the 501st star wars troopers) - the attack went well and successful, was again this year in the main lobby (501st likes to gaggle there), on saturday. right after it happened, a con attendee approached us to ask what all the comotion was about, and we told him about the ewok attack, to which he yelled, 'you mean i missed it again??!!!'. it was executed with good klingon coordination, but we were disappointed to find that the 501st had not prepared the suspected tribble counterattack on us for this year. maybe next year...
PARTIES - actually dc2001 was virtually a non-stop party til monday (more like moan day), where most everyone was hung over or worn out, then trying to pack up to go home...
- KAG - good pictures, food, conversation, meetings, bar service, drumming, guest stars (including one actor getting in on the drumming)
- HOUSE VESKA - tight quarters, good conversation, good meetings, great bar service, great mamaries!
- TEN FORWARD - good food, great bar service, conversation, ceremonies (we inducted vaughn armstrong), meetings, 16mm movies/st bloopers, antics (including the molestation of eric w. by a house veska girl), security (lively i.d. checkers). unfortunately, no casbah belly dancers showed up this time(they all wanted money to attend).
and worse, around midnight the hyatt hotel manager showed up to bust the party, claiming that we were committing illegality. actually, there were supposedly some dragoncon / hyatt contractural issues, where program-listed dragoncon parties are supposed serve food and drink only from what the hotel wants to provide, at our expense. he went out of his way to inconvenience and embarrass all at the party, and show how big and bad and in charge he was. we encourage all attendees affected by his show of force to write emails of discontent about him to the hotel. also, it is likely that the star trek group will hold their own large ten forward party on our own terms in our own room next year, as we like it, outside of dragoncon/hotel contraints.
GAMING - unfortunetly, no star trek miniatures gaming this year, to my knowledge (i'll have to bring back my battle the borg game next year). however, many good scifi/fantasy games, including a giant scale star wars miniatures game, so big that the miniatures were on rolling stands.
ROBOT BATTLES - col kevin was eliminated in his second round this time, partially because he spun his bot right off the stage in one turn. he had a good spinning bot with a machete style tail, but needed more control. in the battle royal(last bot battle of the day where all bots of all weight classes fight at once), he performed much better, until he was gang tackled and overturned by 3 other bot of different weight classes.
there was a victim of the 'frankenstein' rule this year, when a contestant tried to nudge his bot back fully onto the battle platform after it had slipped partially off. the crowd booed and yelled frankenstein, at which time the mc took the bot out to the swimming pool and tossed it in, and the crowd cheered.
the panty flinging 'frankenfly' bot returned again this year and got most of the other bots tangled in panties during the battle royale. also, the bot 'a little piece of hate' from the 'battle bots' show participated against a bot from georgia tech, and beat it soundly. at the end of the battle royale, a light weight class bot called dagger(actually had a dagger glued to the top of it) ended up with the trophy, as all the larger bots had eliminated each other. the tournament mc, a guy dressed like a roman soldier, said that that could happen. also, a full sized dalek (bot from the dr. who series) was in attendance - very impressive.
PANELS - friday was a banner day for KAG members, as we ran several TREK TRAK panels. we performed them well, entertained the audiences, and had fun doing it! our panels included: startrek starships; star trek vs. star wars; klingon 101 - go [HERE] for a transcript of our intro; klingon warrior songs - lyrics from that panel [HERE]... the other trek trak panels were quite good as well, including the star guest panels. it was sad to see the condition of j. doohan, but it was still good to see it none the less...
RECRUITS - we picked up a couple of new ones. names tba.
GUESTS - a good guest line up this time. we all just wished james doohan didnt look so bad off. vaughn armstrong was a hoot, both during the panels and the parties. other st guests included jeff combs, marjory monaghan, richard lynch,
SCI FI PICNIC AT STONE MOUNTAIN - 28 JULY 2001 - many local KAG folks showed up for this, as well as some of the members of house K'irk, and one 501st member.
activities included laser tag, super soaker, eating (alot), telling tall tales (alot), batleth practice, flying kites, walking around, getting rained on (alot). no alcohol drinking was allowed where we were ;(
go [HERE] to see some pics.
June 15-17, 2001 |
- CELEBRITIES - thanks to all guests - george takai, bill mumy, alice krige, robin , josh - all were most approachable and entertaining!
- JAIL AND BAIL - saturday - we had help from one of the shriners (dressed
in keystone cop costume), and there were many warranted arrested that day!
good money was collected for the shriner's hostipal.
- GAMING - the battle the borg game went well, tho long. thanks to Alice Krige for officiating the start of the game!
- COSTUME CONTEST - kevin, robert, and jo jo, came away with awards!
- LASER TAG - a free-for-all event on saturday, in the hotel.
- PARTIES - 2 major parties happened saturday night, a vulcon party and
a dragoncon party. much (maybe too much) romulan ale was consumed, and
even the storm troopers had to stagger back to their hotel rooms.
- RECRUITS - we gained 2 new recruits at this event - welcome kurt and steve!
- PICS - click this [THIS LINK] to see pics from the show
- TELEVISED - a TNN cable camera crew showed up and filmed the con. it should appear on TNN in approx. 2 months.
April 21 – June 3 2001
Saturdays & Sundays Plus Memorial Day
10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
much good drinking, sweating, and spending of money went on during RF2001, but COL kevin didnt get fall-down-drunk in the parking lot this time ;)
April 13-15, 2001
Gwinnett Civic Center
Duluth, Georgia
for what it was, the atlcomicon was better than we anticipated. many good activities thruout the whole show, such as games, panels, costume contest, films/videos, and a big dealers' room. however, the one true drawback of this con was being on the easter weekend. many of our crews could not attend because of that. however, we will try to return in larger numbers next year.
go to a couple of pics [HERE]
at first it appeared to be another dreary day for a putt putt challenge. even the clerks at the park commented that we seem to bring bad weather with us when we come to play. members of the atlanta KAG ships, novafleet, 501st Star Wars Stormtrooper Legion (atlanta garrison), and even Buffy fans attended. this amounted to around 30 people. all brought donations which amounted to more than 40 cans. we played 18 holes, then all cried out for food, so we invaded ryan's next door, and scared/amuzed the other patrons.
while at lunch, the weather cleared! after lunch, we returned to complete the other 18 holes. it turned out to be a glorious day for miniature golf! in the end, members of the 501 took the highest scores of the group, but there was a sith with them, so were there issues of dark forces involved?...we'll likely never know.
thanks and QAPLA' to all who attended, and to charlie and the pirate's cove miniature golf park for hosting the event, and Bread of Life for collecting the food!
friday- there was a klingon wedding where most good klingons attended. afterward was much drinking, carousing, catching up with other klingons not seen in some time, and telling tall tales.
-jail and bail-the first and most requested perpetrator for incarceration was of course kolonel kjo kjo, the cdr of the FURY. he was so requested that his jail time had to be broken up in to blocks of time. many members were jailed that day, including the warrant server himself, marq. more than $100 was collected for charity.
-KAG meeting-many issues were discussed, and promotions and recognitions given. steve from the fencer got promoted, and marq got promoted and his new support ship HEART OF VALOR was inducted.
-auction-kolonel kevin and theresa purchase a signed duras sisters plaque. there were not too many other items of interest.
-charity slave auction- the 2 highest money bringing male slaves were atlanta's kjo kjo (fury) and steve (warlord martok)(novafleet)! more than $300 was collected for charity from the slave auction.
-wet t-shirt (girls) and best buns (guys) contests- the most interesting bit by far of these events was that in the best male buns contest, the cutest buns were owned by the animatronic doll of the gopher from the movie 'caddy shack'! second was XO toni (fury) and third was kolonel kjo kjo (fury).
-easter egg basket layout contest-kevin and theresa took best easter egg basket display.